It's a Goat; Even if it Flies! The Modified Version of Evolution
Ayman: Look, Muawiyah, look!
Muawiyah: Where?
Ayman: Look at the goat on the tree
Muawiyah: A goat?!
Ayman: Yes, there
Muawiyah: A dove, that's a dove!
Ayman: Look carefully,
man! See its horns?
Muawiyah: What horns?
Ayman: The goat's horns!
Muawiyah: These are tree branches.
It's clear, man.
Look carefully; this is a branch
and that's another!
A goat?!
Rub your eyes
Night-shifts have really
taken their toll on you
Rub your eyes. A goat?
It is a dove!
What do you see?
Ayman: It's a goat, man; there's its tail!
Muawiyah: A goat? Its tail?
What tail, Ayman?!
Just an eyelash in your eye making
you see a tail. Come on, remove it
(A call: "Rimaa'! Daughter!")
Ayman: There, did you hear?
Muawiyah: Hear what?
Ayman: It said, "Maa"!
Muawiyah: It's a man
calling his daughter, Rimaa.. Rimaa
See! It flew!
It's a dove!
Ayman: A GOAT!
Peace be upon you
Darwin's table collapsed when
the 4 myths that supported it collapsed
as we explained last episode
So, Darwin's followers rushed
to make modifications to the theory
Were they able —with these modifications—
to correct its errors,
close its gaps,
and restore it;
in line with other modern
scientific discoveries, as claimed?
Or did the notion that living organisms
don't need a creator so appeal to them
that they wanted to preserve it
at all cost? Let us see...
The main modification
that Darwin's followers
made to the elements of his theory was
the attempt to reconcile natural selection
with the principles of genetic inheritance
Meaning: they acknowledged that use and
disuse can't give an organism new traits
beyond those already present
in the genetic material of its ancestors
For example, the giraffe's neck did not
elongate across generations as a result
of stretching it to eat from the treetops
They also acknowledged that acquired
traits can't be passed on to offspring;
in contradiction with Darwin's
and Lamarck's views
So, what was the driver for
the alleged changes in organisms
which are the raw material
for natural selection?
Their answer: "Several factors;
most importantly random mutations
that might occur in the genome
due to heat, chemicals, cosmic rays, etc.
These mutations caused the slow,
gradual, and cumulative changes
that Darwin hypothesized
Then nature eliminated the organisms
which had harmful mutations
and kept those
with 'beneficial mutations'
in a transitional phase
to a new organism."
They called this modified model:
or 'Modern Synthesis'.
Dobzhansky, Fisher,
Mayr, Huxley, and others
co-formulated this model
According to Neo-Darwinism
mutations are random while
natural selection is directed
towards gradual evolution
and reproduction ensures the continuation
of the newly evolved species
Let's see whether —with this—
they were able to restore
the collapsed pillars of Darwin's theory
and reconcile it
with recent discoveries
What are the pillars of Darwin's theory?
First: a simple organism that
somehow emerged from inanimate matter
Those who came after Darwin
realized that there
was no such thing
as a simple organism.
Electron microscopes showed
that the living cell:
the smallest building unit
—which Darwin perceived as a smudge—
was, in fact
more complex than
the most complex man-made factory
3D visuals were made
to capture its magnificence!
Did the intricacy and magnificence
in the cell's design
lead them to concede
that it must have a Creator
Who created it with Knowledge and Will
and to correct Darwin's mistake
in this regard?
No! All their 'theories' boil down
to Darwin's view that life somehow
emerged from inanimate matter
in a clear defection from rationality and
the experimental evidence in the studies
of Louis Pasteur and Francesco
Redi (4 centuries ago) who
proved that life doesn't spontaneously
emerge from inanimate matter
They came back to Darwin's myth
of spontaneous generation
However, unlike Darwin's view
that the first organism
developed spontaneously in a lake
their view was it was an ocean;
with music and cinematography
to reinforce the majesty of this fiasco!
They went back to Darwin's myth
but, by doing so, they were
more ignorant than he was
because —unlike Darwin—they saw
the amazing complexity in the cell!
Really! 150 years since
Darwin's myth and still his followers
cannot come up with another myth
to explain the origin of life;
up until the 21st century?!
But, they did indeed!
Let's see an example of the latest
findings of modern mythology
"It could be that at some earlier time,
somewhere in the universe,
a civilization evolved by probably
some kind of Darwinian means to
a very very high level of technology,
and designed a form of life
that they seeded onto
perhaps, this planet."
So he's saying that
aliens seeded early life on Earth!
Remember that we're not
in Disneyland
or watching Spacetoons
but discussing 'science'
as they call it
Aliens? How did they emerge?
Who planted their seed?
Dawkins thinks that they may have evolved
in a Darwinian way, in an infinite regress
This is in addition to other jokes
we'll discuss in an upcoming episode
on the origin of life
Allah willing
So they seem to be as lost as Darwin;
from the very start
Did they really reconstruct
this collapsed pillar of the myth?
Or was their argument:
It is a goat; even if it flies!?
The Second Pillar of the theory
is that nature grants an organism
new traits by use and disuse
as with the giraffe example
This myth was invalidated so they
replaced it with a more ridiculous myth:
that random mutations
i.e. an accumulation of errors
is behind the creation of organisms;
with all their beauty, symmetry,
diversity, and intricate design!
i.e. that DNA damage in an organism;
e.g. from radiation or chemicals
produced —after many attempts—
a new higher-level organism
with completely integrated organs
and so on...
until we got to where we are;
with more than 8 million
intricately-designed species
existing in harmonious
biodiversity on Earth
So, 'damage innovated organisms'
is the modification to Darwin's theory
They'll say,
"No, we are talking about
'beneficial' random mutations
that add new code."
We ask:
What are 'beneficial' random mutations?
Give one example of a mutation
that added a new gene
since the time Mendel discovered genes
in 1860, a century and a half ago
This is a very embarrassing question
for the myth disciples
as they struggle to find a single example
of what they claim to be
the biggest driver
for the production of all organisms
Let's watch Richard Dawkins' predicament
as he fumbles to answer this question:
[Can you give an example of a genetic
mutation or an evolutionary process
which can be seen to increase the
information in the genome?]
"Can you just stop while I think?"
Now recording:
Can you just stop while I think?"
Stop recording!
Give me time to come up with another joke
like the joke of aliens
seeding life on Earth
Watch how, after much thought
(video link in the comments)
his reply was
to completely change the subject!!
To avoid falling again into such
a predicament, the myth disciples
resorted to the biggest fabrication
in the history of life sciences:
Calling adaptations 'microevolution'
In other words, they claimed
that the highly-accurate
and amazingly fine-tuned
adaptations are a result
of random mutations;
as Dawkins says in his book,
"The Greatest Sham..." Oops!
“The Greatest Show on Earth:
The Evidence for Evolution”
He —the evolutionary biologist—
lies to his readers by presenting
examples of exquisite adaptation
involving the activation
of pre-existing genes as...
—what do you think— 'random mutations'
A distasteful, blatant lie!
Shall I prove it to you?
Please check out next week's video
(link in the end screen)
where we discuss Lenski's experiment
on citrate-utilizing bacteria
It's an important episode that exposes
the downright fraud and deceit
in dealing with this experiment;
an experiment described
by one of the myth disciples
—who starts his videos
in the name of Allah—
as one of the strongest proofs
presented by atheist evolutionists for the
'chance formation of complex structures'
What a pity!
Watch how we burst
the bubble of this experiment
so that you know the truth
behind random mutations
which the myth disciples
present as a substitute
for the All-Knowing Wise Creator!
and you can judge
whether they are filling gaps
or having hallucinations that rival
Darwin's, when he claimed that nature
grants living organisms new traits
by use and disuse
The third pillar of Darwin's theory is:
The inheritance
of traits acquired by use and disuse
For example, a bear, whose mouth widened
one centimeter to catch flies
—while relaxing in the sea—
passed down that centimeter to his
offspring and so on, until the mouth
widened more and more
to transform the bear into a whale!
And all of this supposedly occurred
through Gemmules secreted by somatic cells
which changed the reproductive cells;
according to Darwin's so-called
'Pangenesis' theory
As mentioned, these are obsolete myths
Yet, Darwin's followers found it hard
to accept that their teacher
could have been wrong
so they revived this myth.
Even now, in the 21st century
we still see publications
—in peer-reviewed scientific journals—
trying to defend this myth
and present Darwin as a visionary!
They revived this myth as they revived
the spontaneous generation myth before
Down with science!
Down with observation!
Let goats fly
for your sake Darwin!
The fourth pillar of Darwin's theory
is that slight, gradual, and
cumulative changes transform
one organism into another
by means of natural selection
which operates very much
like the example
of the blind people's plane
presented last episode
After Darwin, much evidence
of irreducible complexity
in organisms emerged;
even at the structural level
of the simplest organisms
such as the bacterial flagellum
that mobilizes some bacteria;
whose structure requires
tens of proteins co-formulated
by approximately 40 genes
in such a precise arrangement
that a change
might produce a non-functioning flagellum!
All this complexity is in a tiny part
of the tiny bacterial cells;
millions of which are smaller
than a single pinhead
This is in a whip-like bacterial
flagellum as if to whip
their obstinate minds into reason!
Not to mention the more intricate
complex systems in the eye and ear
or those required for a complete,
integrated, and harmonious body
where a slight change might lead to
disharmony or destruction!
With the advance in science
the joke of natural selection
has become more laughable
so the scientific position of
naturalists should have been
to feel ashamed of Darwin's words
and sweep them under the carpet;
much the same way that a wise boy
would make excuses for
his drunk father's mindless stumbling
A goat; even if it flew!
The Darwinian myth must continue.
So, they gave this myth a scientific name:
'Co-option theory'
That is, as in the example
of the blind people's plane
the same glass sheet
that a blind man used
as a shield
against his blind enemies
was used by blind natural selection
for a different 'option'
then, over time, it transformed
into pressure-resistant glass
for a mighty Boeing plane!
Similarly, everything in existence
was formed
—according to the myth disciples—
unintentionally! They say,
"A bird's wing looks as though
it has a purpose
A human eye looks as though
it has a purpose
but they just came about through the
process of non-random natural selection.
There is no purpose in the human sense;
there's a kind of pseudo-purpose."
Did they heed the discoveries
of the eye structure with its rods,
cones, receptors, neurotransmitters,
the analysis in the brain centers,
and the storage of the image?
No, they just said,
"This all is without intention."
Allah says what can be translated as,
"Say, 'Observe what is in
the Heavens and Earth.'
But of no avail will be signs or warners
to a people who do not believe.' "
(Quran 10:101)
According to them, the first cell
emerged unintentionally
and its slight modifications
were also unintentional
Then natural selection accumulated
the slight gradual changes
transforming one species to another;
also unintentionally!
No intention or will involved!
Just a sum of coincidences!
All these finely-tuned and magnificent
organisms were created without intention
and came about by mistake!
Darwin paved the way for
scientific delirium and corrupted minds
with his claim of purposelessness;
his claim that the precision
in living organisms
does not require a Creator
and that innovation
doesn't require an Innovator!
However, he didn't —in his book—
deny the existence of the Creator
or express skepticism
about His Existence
But many of his followers
who adopted his principles, said,
"The matter from which life emerged
does not require a maker"
and 'nature' which selected
doesn't require a Creator.
Even the universe
doesn't require a Creator.
All this came unintentionally
from 'nothing'."
These are the elements of Darwin's myth
and this is what his followers did
So, did they fill the gaps in his theory?
Or, instead, present more examples
of denial and delusion?
Was it a correction of mistakes
or staying the course
of misguidance and ignorance
to its very end?!
Is this science
or a regression to the dark ages?
It is a myth temple where the
worshipers erected an idol
for natural election
and another idol for randomness
then attributed, to these idols
all creation, design,
perfection, and precision
Unparalleled absurdity! Not even the
people of Jahiliya (pre-Islam ignorance)
ascribed such attributes
to Lat & Uzza (their idols)!
The term 'error correction' may be
applied to a theory whose fundamental
concept is true;
but with errors in the details
Filling gaps may be done
for a structure that's still standing;
but with some gaps
Darwin's theory has no legs to stand upon
and its defect (irrationality)
is in its fundamental concept!
The scientific stance should have been
to totally reject it
and bury it along with its dead author!
However, Darwin's supporters wanted
the myth of 'unintentionality' to endure
Any self-respecting scientist follows
the evidence wherever it might lead
but the myth disciples place the cart
before the horse
They want —at all cost—
to preserve Darwin's conclusion:
that organisms came by mistake
without intention; just like that,
regardless of the mental tax
of denial, absurdity, and
discrediting and betraying the mind,
science, and modern discoveries!
Darwin's table couldn't bear the load
of what he desperately piled on top of it:
All living organisms!
And those who came after him
simply dug more holes in his table
as we saw
Therefore, Darwin and his followers
resorted to their best-mastered trick:
Turning invalidating evidence
against their myth
into supporting evidence;
in the eyes of fools and simpletons
In other words, they took some
load off the table and transformed it
—with a magic wand—
into new pillars to prop up
the myth table
They came up with so-called
'lines of evidence' for the theory
Follow us as we discuss these 'lines'
in our next episode
and expose the myth's absurdity
so you can realize the truth
in Allah Almighty’s words
which can be translated as,
"No! We hurl the truth against
falsehood, and truth obliterates it;
behold it perishes!..."
(Quran 21:18)
May Allah's Peace and
Mercy be upon you