Caught you! Addressing the Evolutionists' Claim of "Faults" in Creation
Seller: Sir, this is a Jeep
It is this year's model as you requested.
I'll give you a bargain
Go ahead, take it for a test drive
Customer: It looks really comfortable
However, before I drive it
tell me: what is this pedal?
It seems useless!
Seller: "No, sir. This is the gas pedal
This is what makes the car run
Is this your first time driving a car?
Customer: My first time?!
Cars are my specialty!
What is wrong with you, man?!
I just think this pedal is useless.
Also, what is this?
It seems useless, too.
The whole car seems to be a random
assembly of parts; without any design
Seller: Sir, this button
is for cruise control
Customer: Cruise control?!
But, this part here is certainly useless
Obviously, this car was randomly
assembled. It wasn't designed at all
Seller: Come on man!
Aren't you embarrassed by your ignorance?
Everything to you is a useless accident!
Please step out of the car, sir
This car is no longer for sale
Please get out
Customer: But this button
is here by chance
Seller: The car is no longer for sale!
Customer: Fine
Just tell me what this button is for?
Seller: I won't tell you!
Get out!
Customer: Tell me what
it does! You don't even know!
Seller: This is it!
I'm not selling you the car. Out!!
Customer: This button is useless!
I've embarrassed you
and put you on the spot!
This is exactly the situation we face
with the evolution myth disciples
When they failed to find signs
of randomness around them
they turned to one another
to contemplate
Was it to imitate Ibrahim's people
(as in the Quran):
"So they returned to [blaming] themselves
and said [to each other],
'Indeed, you are the wrongdoers.''
(Quran Translated Meaning 21:64)?
Did they start questioning themselves
to realize the falsehood of their myth?
No! They focused on their bodies;
looking for defects!
(Sound effect)
This is our situation
with the myth disciples
They talk about so-called
'defects' in the human design
such as 'defects' in the retina
and the sperm duct
and what they call 'vestigial' organs
such as the appendix, coccyx, and others
All these examples of evidence
for the precision in Allah's creation
are transformed —through ignorance or
a pretense of ignorance—
into examples of randomness
Will we show that all these are proofs
for precision and wisdom in creation?
However, before we do that
let me ask you:
What if you had not watched this episode?
What if you didn't know
how to respond to their examples?
Would the myth disciples have embarrassed
you; until you find an answer?
Is it you who is required
to provide answers
or it is the myth disciples;
to explain the fine-tuning in the universe
and its inhabitants;
Their method is a logical fallacy called:
"Shifting the burden of proof"
When an opponent presents
a ridiculous embarrassing argument
because it contradicts
obvious facts known to all;
he may create a diversion
by demanding answers for side issues;
thus shifting the focus off him
and throwing you into the spotlight!
Actually, whether you respond or not
his argument remains ridiculous
Your inability to answer
does not lend his argument any value!
dear brothers and sisters
next time you are challenged
by the myth disciples to provide answers
you shouldn't rush to investigate
the function of these organs
as if your failure to provide an answer
proves their claim!
Instead, ask them to explain how the
system —which contains this part— works
For example:
When the myth zealots tell you:
The arrangement of retina cells
is wrong
Conical and rod cells
are photosensitive cells
Therefore, they should be in front
to receive light directly
But, they are at the back, which forces
light to cross non-photoreceptive cells
This proves that the eye
came randomly by chance!
Here, they are parroting
Richard Dawkins, who
—in his book, "The Blind Watchmaker"
the 2015 Edition—
mocked the design of the retina
saying that it would:
"offend any tidy-minded engineer"
Now, brothers and sisters
when you hear such things
and before you get lost in the details
and take it upon yourself
to research an answer
tell them,
"First, explain to me
how the visual system —which contains
the part you object to— works
You must be experts on the visual system
to be criticizing its details
That is why you consider this detail
a fault
and say that a good design
requires a different arrangement"
Let them explain
—if they know anything—
Let them talk to you about the eye:
How the eye muscles control its lens
according to the distance from the image;
how these muscle cells are inervated;
about its two types of necessary liquids;
about the various cells
of the retina (rods and cones)
of which there are more than
100 million in each eye!
This information lingers in my memory
from my days as a Ph.D. student:
that the design of these cells is more
complicated than the most complex factory!
Let them explain it to you
how randomness could have combined
the atoms of 11-cis-retinal
in exactly the right formation
for the compound to change its molecular
structure when light photons hit it
Ask how randomness arrived at the suitable
amount for this compound in Rhodopsin
(the light-sensitive pigment in the eye)
and how the eye can precisely capture
the visible field of the electromagnetic
spectrum, to be able to 'see'
Ask how the neural bundles, stemming
from the retina, neurotransmission,
image interpretation centers in the brain,
image storage in the memory,
and the optimal performance of this visual
system to provide humans with vision;
to the degree that the eye can respond
to a single photon of light
as in this "Nature" magazine article
Let them explain
—if they know—
and watch how they make the case
against themselves!
If they realize their ignorance
that is good
If not; leave them floundering
in their blindness
If you seek guidance,
the proof for design in the
very systems they claim to
have defects, is enough
However, Allah leaves a few mysteries
among the clear signs of truth
for those who prefer ambiguity;
depriving themselves of the mercy of Allah
"The perverse at heart eagerly
pursue the ambiguities
in their attempt to make trouble
and to pin down
a specific meaning of their own..."
(Quran Translated Meaning 3:7)
The mind that seeks ambiguity
in the Qur'anic signs (verses)
also seeks ambiguity in cosmic signs
Just like our buyer who ignored the superb
car design and became fixated on a button
His ignorance
of the function of the button
was his proof to deny
the design of the car
when the signs of design and efficiency
were evident in every part of the car
Yet, the buyer shifts the burden of proof
to the seller: Tell me its function
That was a sufficient response to the
claims about randomness in the retina
What if I told you that their claim
is an old joke they play on the ignorant
True science, as usual
has turned this shubha (doubt)
into a new sign for
capability and wisdom
Research —even in evolutionist journals—
has shown, for many years
that retinal cells must be arranged
in this exact order as it provides
a "superior space-saving" solution
as in this "Vision Research" article
Indeed, this arrangement allows light
to pass through the "Muller cells"
which increases the sensitivity
of the conical cells in the retina
as per the research done
by "PNAS" and "Nature Communication"
Even the pro-evolution website
confirms that this setup is not a defect
but a design advantage:
a "design feature"
and that the assertion that sensitive
cells should be at the front is "folly"!
To those who are taught by the Arab
myth zealots, I say: Good for you!
Your teachers are teaching you things
which, years ago,
were declared to be 'follies'
while you think that you're listening
to 'intellectuals' addressing your mind
We've only mentioned one type of cell:
the Muller Cell, through which light passes
You can read in the evolutionist journal:
about the 13 types of bipolar cells
found in the eye layers,
the function of each,
and how their arrangement in the retina
supports the vision function
Read about the "Amacrine cells"
in these layers and other cells
Then, listen to the myth zealots saying,
"The arrangement of cells is wrong
Ask any creationist for an explanation
of this phenomenon; he wouldn't find any!"
Listen to them in order to appreciate
this comedy of ignorance
or pretending ignorance!
Glory be to Allah!
Just as the shubhas (doubts) raised
by fools against Islamic Shari'a
turn —with true science—into signs
for the Knowledge and Wisdom of Allah
the shubhas about Allah's creation
are also transformed
—by true science— into additional proofs
for the Knowledge and Wisdom of Allah
You may say: "But you use evolution
magazines to support your arguments!"
Yes. As explained in the episode:
"Let Me Do the Thinking for You"
we do not let the West
do the thinking for us
Instead, we benefit from their science;
without blindly following its conclusions
We don't follow the
'wisdom' of Ahmet Ağaoğlu
(a Turkish secular leader) who said,
“We are determined to take everything
from the West,
even the infections in their lungs,
and the impurities in their intestines!"
Rather, we take what is correct
and leave the intellectual impurities
to their owners
We've mentioned what natural scientists
—evolutionists or otherwise— say
We're throwing the words
of their 'sanctified'
scientists in their face;
for a compelling case
We use their science
if their research methodology is correct
but, not their conclusions
if their methodology is corrupt
and full of logical fallacies
We have a right to ask:
If someone saw
the Sukhoi Su-47 (the fighter jet)
with its reversed wings
flying spectacularly through the sky
then laughed, saying,
"This is a bad design!
This jet came together by chance";
Would this person belong anywhere
other than a mental institute;
even without knowing
that this inverted-wing design
enhances the aircraft's agility
and maneuverability?!
So, why are the claims by the myth
disciples: that retina
construction is proof of randomness
regarded by some as respected science?
Even while we see them claiming
this nonsense with our so-called
'defective' eyes; eyes which function
with exquisite accuracy and efficiency
Even if we didn't know that the retina's
layout is what provides this accuracy
When a myth disciple tells you,
"The appendix is an extra appendage
It is a remnant of evolution
that has not disappeared yet"
If we are created by design, why would
a Creator create something useless?"
(as Jerry Coyne
and other myth scientists claim)
If you're asked this question
how do you answer?
Let's assume that you are unaware
of the research
published a few months ago
—by evolutionists with Ph.D.'s—
which stresses the importance of
the appendix and that it isn't vestigial;
that it contains all kinds of beneficial
bactetria of the digestive tract
to replenish the intestinal bacteria
after an illness that may destroy them;
and that it produces immunoglobulin A
which is an essential regulator
of beneficial bacteria
in the digestive system
Moreover, removing the appendix
increases the chance for several diseases
By the way, some of this information
has been known for years
Let's assume that you're not up to date
on published research
which states that the appendix
"could save your life"
Even if you are unaware of all this
don't let the myth disciples
shift the burden of proof onto you
You are not the one
who must explain; they are!
Ignorance about a part's
function in the Gastrointestinal Tract
isn't proof that it all came randomly
Let them explain how randomness and
coincidence created the digestive system:
the arrangement of your teeth,
the different types of taste buds,
the variety of enzymes
secreted at each stage,
the muscles needed to move the food,
the sphincters working in perfect harmony,
and the cilia and villi in the intestines
which provide a surface area
equivalent to an apartment; to increase
the absorption capacity of the intestine
Let them tell you about the trillions of
different beneficial bacteria in your gut
and their various functions;
about the enteric nervous system
and its complexity
These marvels of creation
mean nothing to the blind-at-heart
They toss them aside and cling to the
'extra' appendix. Not only are they
ignorant (or pretending to be ignorant)
of its function
but they also use
their ignorance as proof!
Therefore, when some Arab parrots repeat
the words of Richard Dawkins in his book:
"The Greatest Show on Earth:
The Evidence for Evolution"
that a man's sperm duct (vas deferens)
should have been shorter
and that it is a design defect
which proves randomness
Even if you're unaware of the research on
the importance for the sperm duct's span
in maintaining thermal differences between
the testicles and the rest of the body;
you're not obligated to do the research
Don't let them shift
the burden of proof onto you
Instead, let them explain to you
how their ridiculous
randomness can produce
the male and female of more than 8 million
species synchronously?
Let them tell you about the innate
sexual attraction between mates
and the mating instinct
in tiny mindless creatures
Let them talk to you about the creation
in pairs that Allah Almighty praises
as a sign from
an All-Knowing All-Wise Creator:
"And of all things We created two pairs;
perhaps you will remember.
So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from
Him a clear Warner." (QTM 51: 49-50)
But instead of fleeing to Allah they
flee to ignorance and feigning ignorance
They ignore these clear signs of wisdom
in the mating system and arrogantly say,
"The sperm duct should have been shorter!
If it was designed with knowledge and
wisdom, we would not find such faults."
They suggest modifications to the human
design as if they were All-Knowing Gods
who know the past, present, future, and
how everything could have turned out:
"..they have denied that which
they encompass not in knowledge
and whose interpretation has not yet
come to them." (QTM 10: 39)
Isn't it shameful to deny things
out of ignorance or lack of knowledge?
Dear brothers and sisters, we're not
only dealing with logical fallacies here
but also with an ethical problem
of excessive arrogance
combined with extreme ignorance
or intentional negligence
which led atheists to be disrespectful
towards cosmic phenomena
which —out of respect for science—
they should respect
This has resulted in great irreverence
towards Allah by their 'Muslim' fans
who claim faults in creation while trying
—in vain— to reconcile the myth with Islam
A surgeon —regardless of
how devout an evolutionist he is
and how much he talks about
'randomness' in the human body—
will always operate with utmost care not
to disrupt the system in the human body
because, implicitly, he knows
that it is the best system possible!
Finally, some of you might think that our
opening acting scene was an exaggeration
as the buyer didn't seem to know
the function of the gas pedal!
You should know that the myth disciples
say and do similar things
For example, Wiedersheim
produced a list
of useless 'vestigial' organs
which included the pituitary gland
Nobody knew then that this gland
regulates all the hormones in the body
These are just a few brief examples
brothers and sisters
When a myth disciple brings up a new issue
and shifts the burden of proof onto you
ask him/her, "Aren't you embarrassed
by the repetitive proof of your ignorance?
Do you expect me to waste my life
responding to you?"
What we presented is abundant proof
for those who are truly seeking guidance
Once again, we thank our brothers
at the "Muslim Researchers" website
whose research has provided great benefit
Peace be upon you