Do 99% of Scientists Really Support Evolution
the way the chair of the department uh
put it
is that i was viewed as an intellectual
terrorist terrorist because
of giving the topic of intelligent
some modicum of credibility
as a result dr sternberg lost his office
his political and religious beliefs were
and he was pressured to resign
i realized when i kind of went public
with my
doubts about the adequacy of darwin's
theory uh
that uh you know that i would encounter
criticism uh what has uh amazed me is
viciousness and the sort of baseness of
so uh the fact that this was singled out
let alone shut down is jaw-dropping it's
i have never been uh treated like this
if they value their careers they should
keep quiet about their intelligent
design views
it's the kind of thing where you just
learn to keep your mouth shut in
addition to those scientists who are
willing to appear on camera
we encountered many more who didn't dare
show their face
for fear of losing their jobs
if anybody should be able to understand
evolution it is me
because i make molecules for a living i
don't understand evolution
and i will confess that to you is it
okay for me to say that i don't
understand this
is that all right i know that there's a
lot of people out there that
don't understand anything about organic
but they understand evolution i
understand a lot about making molecules
i don't understand evolution and you
would say that
wow i must be really unusual but about
seven or eight years ago i posted on my
website that i don't understand
and i said i will buy lunch for anyone
that will sit with me
and explain to me evolution and i won't
argue with you
until i don't understand something i
will ask you to clarify
but you can't wave by and say this
enzyme does that you got to get down in
the details of where molecules are built
for me
nobody has come forth this society
contacted me they said that they will
buy the lunch
and they challenge the aether society go
down to houston have lunch with this guy
and talk to him
nobody's come
let me tell you what goes on in the back
rooms of science
with national academy members with nobel
prize winners
i have sat with them and when i get them
alone not in public because it's
a scary thing if you if you say what i
just said
and i say do you understand all of this
where all of this came from and how this
every time that i have sat with people
who are synthetic chemists who
understand this they go uh-uh
nope i have sat with national academy
members and nobel prize winners
sometimes i will say do you understand
and if they're afraid to say yes they
say nothing
they just stare at me because they can't
sincerely do it i was once brought in
by the the dean of the department once
and many years ago and he was a chemist
he was kind of concerned about some
things i said let me let me ask you
you're a chemist do you understand this
how do you get how do you get dna
without a
cell membrane and how do you get a cell
membrane without a dna and
how does all this come together from
this he said jim
we have no idea we have no idea i said
isn't it interesting that you the dean
of science and i the chemistry professor
can talk about this
quietly in your office but we can't go
out there and talk about this
why more scientists don't reject it one
is that if they did
they would lose all of their prestige
within science they would never get
another research grant
and if they didn't have academic tenure
they'd get fired
uh there is a system of
thought control over this uh which is
extremely rigid it's worth your
maybe they kind of had a whole health
in the wake of the trial time magazine
named judge
jones one of the 100 most influential
people of the year