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How Atheism Contradicts Mind and Science: Part 1

Peace be upon you Dear viewers: Last episode, we showed how, when the atheist denied the existence of the Creator he discredited the innate components which the human finds in himself We will show how this leads to a series of denials: Denial of mental axioms, morality, the "purpose of life question" and free will: denial of the innate nature of these components or that they have any value Why? Couldn't he have just denied the existence of the Creator while maintaining these axioms which he grudgingly finds in himself; instead of entering this spiral of confusion and arrogance? No! He couldn't! Why not? We will see We will start with the mental necessities This episode will have abundant benefits We will discuss how mental necessities prove the existence of Allah, how atheism discredits the experimental method, whether atheism respects or discredits the mind, the self-contradiction of atheists, the origin and consequences of the statement: "Truth is relative and there is no absolute truth," and whether creation is evidence for Allah or Allah is the evidence for everything First, dear viewers, faith bases everything upon the existence of Allah Almighty From the perspective of faith: Allah created the heavens and earth in truth, imposed —by His wisdom— fixed laws and created Man with the innate nature that produces the necessary mental axioms to enable his mind to discover the truth of things The atheist has problems with each of these nine terms: Created, Allah, in truth, by His wisdom, fixed laws, innate nature, necessary mental axioms, man's mind and the truth of things We will explain this in detail From the perspective of faith, Allah Almighty says, what can be translated as "We have certainly created man in the best of stature." (Quran 95:4) In other words, Allah equipped man with an innate affinity for and the ability to recognize the truth of perceptions and morals; and to seek the true purpose of life These meanings are rooted in the soul of every newborn to enable the acquisition of knowledge "Our Lord is He Who gave each thing its distinctive form and nature, then guided [it]." (Quran Translated Meaning 20:50) This is a form of guidance We discussed how innate nature in humans is like the operating system in a computer While —in the atheistic perspective— humans came by chance and randomness; without any wisdom and there is no such thing as innate nature So, how do you atheists explain this "operating system" in humans? First, how do you explain mental axioms? i.e. the necessary truths such as: A part is smaller than the whole; 1+1=2; two contradictory things cannot co-exist; everything that begins to exist has a cause These are the mental rules upon which knowledge is built; yet they are not based on any prior knowledge Therefore, there must be One Who instilled innate nature in humans to recognize these rules From here, the journey of atheistic blunder begins! Some atheists say, "These logical rules develop from sensory inputs: What the human sees, hears and processes through induction i.e. when someone sees an apple joining another and they become two apples and many other similar observations, he forms mental rules: that a part is smaller than the whole; that 1+1=2; that a beaten child feels pain, so he learns that beating causes pain; when he sees glass shatter upon colliding with an object, he knows that collisions cause breakage; when he sees that every effect has a cause, he establishes the causality principle: Every effect has a cause With this answer, the atheist has reversed the situation! He has made INPUT a "creator" of mental rules and equations This is like saying, "The large amount of data entered into a computer developed the programs capable of analyzing inputs and producing results." Imagine that we input two adjacent columns in an Excel sheet with a large set of numbers in each column Will the computer itself write an equation that: The first number plus the second number equals the result?! NO! Not even if we increased the number of rows in each column to a thousand or a million If we inserted two adjacent columns: one with a preceding event and the other with a following event; would the computer deduce by itself that the precedent is the cause for following and figure out the causality principle? Atheists realized this dilemma but they insisted on evading the idea of "programming" which can be described as "truth" which analyzes sensory inputs on one hand and operates the mind on the other to reach true results Because such programming needs Someone to instill it in the human! So they insisted that the programming is a product of the senses Fine! Regardless of the source of this programming; let us assume it is your senses The key here is that it reached conclusions; the most important of which is the causality principle: Whatever begins to exist has a cause Therefore this universe must have a cause! This compelled some atheists to say, "The conclusions of this 'programming' are not necessarily facts They are merely the result of inductions based on incomplete observations." Meaning: Within the scope of observations everything has a cause But there is nothing to prevent something from happening without a cause in an unobserved remote part of the universe." We, as believers, say, "Whatever begins to exist has a cause." This is an absolute certain truth verified by all observations They say, "The utmost we can say is that the events we see have causes." We ask them, "Well, the existence of the universe: Shouldn't it have a cause and thus a Creator?" They say, "No. We do not see the causality principle as a general absolute truth that applies to all things." They realized the extent of their contradiction because they must adhere to causality in their daily lives, in their discoveries, formulation of theories, in everything... Whereas, when it comes to the Paramount Truth, the Cause of all causes and the origin of the universe they deny causality! What did they do to get out of this contradiction? They denied the mental necessities altogether, including the fact that whatever begins to exist has a cause They said, "What we assumed were CAUSES were just events succeeded by what we assumed were EFFECTS They were two unrelated consecutive events. That is the extent of it! Thus they thought they escaped the dilemma of a cause for the universe! They said that the universe could pop into existence without a cause or it could create itself This view was expressed by the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell as well as the physicist Stephen Hawking and Lawrence Krauss who claimed that there was absolutely no basis for something called "necessary mental axioms" This came in the course of promoting the idea of his book, "A Universe from Nothing" that the universe —even if it emerged from nothing— could have caused itself to exist! A group of physicists endorsed his words and celebrated his book They escaped from contradiction into insanity! Indeed, dear viewers: Such views, even though they are a form of insanity still find people who proudly endorse them and praise the scientists who theorize them This is the price of atheism and its expected result! [How Atheism Destroys Empirical Science] Even though atheists idolize experimental science and say, "We do not believe in metaphysics since it can't be tested," nonetheless, their arguments end up destroying the foundations of science! All scientific discovery is based on observing causal relationships and deducing absolute scientific conclusions While according to their principle: If a million experiments of an acid-base reaction produced salt and water they refrain from generalizing it as an absolute scientific fact In fact —according to their principle— there is no problem if the one million and first reaction produces something other than salt and water Because if they derived a scientific rule and this rule became an absolute truth they must have established this rule based on mental necessities: such as considering fixed laws for the universe, that acid-base reactions produce salt and water, etc. These laws: Who designed them? This causation: Who established it as a firm fact? Randomness and chance neither set laws nor create absolute facts This is why atheists denied the mental axioms Hence, the practice and application of experimental science becomes meaningless: HIV is not the cause of AIDS! The two events just occur in sequence Diseases have no causes and treatment isn't a cause for recovery If a new disease emerges it is pointless and a waste of time to spend billions to find its cause Because we may eventually find that this disease is without a cause; just like the universe! [Self-contradiction Among Atheists] The atheists who evaded contradiction by denying causality must live a contradiction of their claims; in practical reality! If the atheist's car were hit by another car and the owner of the other car told him, "My car crashing into yours is not the cause for its damage. They are two successive events with no causal relationship. So, do not ask me for compensation." Would the atheist accept it? If someone stabs the atheist with a knife then says, "Your bleeding is not caused by my stab." Would the atheist accept it? Of course not! Atheists are forced to apply mental necessities in their lives and sciences However, when it comes to the paramount truth: which is the existence of the Creator Glory be to Him they renounce these principles!
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How Atheism Contradicts Mind and Science: Part 2
Ep #6 · 8 min