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The Liberation of the Western Woman - The Full Story

Peace be upon you We are in 19th century Europe specifically in Britain attending a public auction What goods does this merchant have on display? It's his wife! His wife? Yes! Some men used to sell their wives Look up "Wife Selling" on any website such as History for documentation on this custom Selling wives was cheaper than divorce and helped pay off the man's debts Drawings of this phenomenon are found in Western history archives The woman who annoys her husband with her nagging —by the way the Arabic word is also nag— received, as one of her possible punishments, the "Scold's bridle" An iron headpiece with a muzzle and a bit to compress the tongue to prevent the woman from speaking for hours You can watch this film about the Scold's bridle to see how a woman's "annoying" voice is described as barking and how this bridle was used to punish the woman who gossiped or spread rumors Women were subjected to various forms of injustice particularly women in lower social classes Where could the woman seek refuge? She could have sought justice and attained her rights by establishing truth and abolishing falsehood But such values —truth and justice— require Divine Revelation as a reference for both men and women The Western woman looked into the altered texts of her religion and found that a woman should learn in silence and full submission that she wasn't permitted to teach or assume authority over a man Why? Because she is Eve who was seduced and she trespassed She seduced Adam thus she is the origin of sin She caused the misery of the human race so God —according to the altered texts of her religion— punished her with pregnancy and delivery and made man her Master The Western woman read in the altered Scripture that she was created for the man but the man wasn't created for her and that a man may sell his daughter ُReferences for these texts are provided in the comments Thus many Western women couldn't find justice in their altered religion If the woman does not have a Divine Reference which sets limits and outlines rights and responsibilities in accordance with truth and justice, where can she find justice? It must be in the values that the West claims to adhere to: the values of freedom and equality The woman must achieve freedom and gender equality What if some forms of freedom and equality contradict truth and justice? Who is supposed to determine what is right and just? Religion! We told you that we see religion as an opponent, not a judge! And thus the Western Women's Liberation Movement took off with a human —not a Divine— compass Naturally any deviation in one direction leads to another in the other direction Thus feminism emerged alongside the Women's Liberation Movement which evolved into a movement to defy men with hostility and rivalry a revenge for all historical injustices against women The feminist slogans were launched: Men are never trustworthy! Women must challenge men and compete with them in everything! A woman shouldn't sacrifice herself for anyone! No one is worth the sacrifice except you and your feminist sisters! No one should have control over you! You don't need anyone whether husband, brother, or children! Providing for yourself is the source of self-respect! If you let anyone provide for you you lose your dignity and become enslaved therefore you must be financially independent! Here some rational voices were raised: "If a woman's worth is measured by how much money she earns then who will take care of the children? If the relationship between spouses is based on rivalry who will lead the family? Whose opinion will prevail? This threatens the family structure." Children! Family! Let them all go to hell! You want to enslave women again using these glittering names We told you, the only one worthy of my sacrifice is myself, my ambitions and the liberty of my sisters I will not let anything stand in the way of my just demands I am oppressed Enough injustice! Thus began the stereotyping of voices calling for the protection of the family unit and society as attacks on women's liberty and attempts to return women to slavery and darkness Victimhood was promoted among women and used as justification for every action She has been badly abused so what if she abuses, a little to get equality and liberty?! This appears in the statements of many feminist leaders such as the American feminist Helen Sullinger, who said “Male society has sold us the idea of marriage... Now we know it is the institution that has failed us and we must work to destroy it Ending the marriage institution is a necessary condition for the liberation of women Therefore it is important to encourage women to leave their husbands and not live with them All history must be re-written in light of the oppression of women." There are many similar statements from other feminist leaders This angry oppressed woman — whose actions are all justified— became a prey for profiteering politicians major capitalists, advocates of moral chaos and others with private agendas —mostly men by the way— who rode the wave of feminism and women's liberation as eventually admitted by the feminists themselves As in this article by the feminist Nancy Fraser for the British daily newspaper The Guardian, titled: "How feminism became capitalism's handmaiden and how to reclaim it." Gloria Steinem, one of America's most famous feminists openly acknowledged in a published interview that she had received financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to support her activities. Some feminists had criticized her for misdirecting the path of the feminist movement so she gave this interview to justify her actions Steinem was a co-founder of Ms. magazine which promotes the idea of the defiant independent woman "Super Woman" She also served as director of the Independent Research Services center Notice how it's called "Independent" despite receiving support from political sectors! What did politicians and capitalists in Europe and America gain from riding the wave of feminism and women's liberation? First: Female employment "to achieve independence and prove herself" means collecting taxes from half of society whose work at home was non-taxable It also provides a labor force that is cheaper than men's labor Discrimination in gender pay and promotions still exists to this day Also, this woman who works in a mixed-gender environment will spend on cosmetics and engage in competitive consumerism all of which serves capitalist materialism Second: The divide and rule policy reinforcing individualism and factionalism where the state —or more accurately those who lobby and influence its policies— is the ultimate judge and referee which weakens demands to curb the greed and domination of capitalists in a world where the richest 1% own more than half of the world's wealth, according to an article in The Guardian The book "The Mighty Wurlitzer" shows how politicians employ such methods to infiltrate groups, such as women and blacks Third: Rivalry between the mother and father, their preoccupation with their own affairs and neglect of parenting means the breakdown of the family and the loss of its central role in raising children according to the parents values Thus, the school and the state become the educator and policymakers can dictate whatever values they want to instill in these little hearts The term "Nuclear Family Meltdown" is a familiar one in the US Politicians have benefited from feminist hostility towards the family entity The feminist Mary Bane says "In order to raise children with equality we must take them away from families and communally raise them." Indeed many families have been destroyed and child homelessness in the US has reached a historic high It was published by Newsweek that in 2013, there were 2.5 million homeless children some fleeing from broken homes where the father and mother are both busy or act as hostile opponents There is no care for the son or daughter or they are mistreated so he/she runs away There is a special division in the US Department of Justice for this phenomenon of "Runaway and Homeless Youth" Drug usage and mental illnesses are highly prevalent among these boys and girls who are without shelter; subjected to humiliation and sexual exploitation some prostituting themselves for shelter and their numbers continue to rise What about the woman who was used as a tool for politicians and capitalists to achieve all this? Did she really gain the rights and justice that she should have demanded? Did she —at least— achieve the freedom and equality she had hoped for? Let's see the results, using facts and statistics from top Western websites I think that you will be shocked by what you will hear today However, before we continue... Some listeners are poised to say "Yes, but Muslims have injustices against women too. Do you deny that our societies practice many forms of injustice against women?!" I say, "How is your question related to our topic? What is the value of this comparison? Is my goal here to make a statistical comparison between our societies and theirs? Or is it to absolve men in our societies from any injustice against women? We are fully aware that our societies are filled with injustices against women and others and that misery is deepening for both men and women But we are discussing this topic to remove this injustice and eliminate the misery and hardship Western countries and international organizations and agencies offer their services to help the Muslim woman in their own special way Moreover, feminist ideas have strongly cast their shadows over Muslim societies Thus today's topic is to present the story of the Western woman to see if those who offer us their services have truly solved their own women's problems? Have they achieved justice for her? Have they even provided her with freedom and equality? Do they really want good for the Muslim woman? This path that they want the Muslim woman to put her footstep on Where does it lead? Let us continue our story without interruption and without the constant reminders of: 'I would like to emphasize that this injustice in our countries is not representative of Islam Do not think that I am against women's work in all its forms Please do not misunderstand me about such and such...' Let us not rush to the defensive state that Islam haters always put us in Let us cooperate, as Muslim brothers and sisters, to diagnose the problem and distinguish real solutions from fake ones which only increase our misery and hardship So back to the Western woman... Let's accompany her from one station to the next That homeless girl on the street or the one in her family home who is independent and wants to provide for herself or doesn't have enough money to finish her degree what is the solution?! There is a phenomenon in the countries of "freedom" which we will refrain from naming whereby this girl, who needs money sells her body to an older man —her father's age— who uses her sexually in return for money and parades her around as arm candy So she works part-time in prostitution and continues to attend university as a student Hear this interview with a client who bought the honor of 6 young women with his money Listen to his views on women So this customer says that enjoying a number of girls this way is cheaper than marriage that entering a place with a beautiful girl is like pulling up in a beautiful car This is the value of a woman to him! There are several websites which deliver this type of "service" with detailed statistics on a girl's expected income from selling her honor as well as the age and profession of her male clients a large proportion of which are executives and businessmen working for major companies By the way, you may have felt disgust while hearing this person talk about women as a sexual commodity; a piece of furniture a "thing" not a human! But what if I told you that treating women as an "object" or a "commodity" has become the norm in the West? In published research, a number of Americans were asked about the trait that they value most in men and women Honesty and morality were the highest valued traits in men while in women the most important trait that Americans valued was "Physical Attractiveness" So the value of a woman is dependent on her physical attractiveness This leads to the important phenomenon called the "Sexual objectification of women" i.e. treating a woman as an object to use a sexual commodity not a human being valued for her beliefs, morals and honesty or even for her intelligence and skills This study on the subject is referenced hundreds of times there are dozens of published research papers on the "Sexual Objectification of Women" These studies, by the way, do not refer to the objectification of women as an insidious inhumane phenomenon which must be fought but as a phenomenon to be studied by analyzing its psychological effects objectively These studies show that most women see themselves as sexual objects for men and that the media is ingraining this view as well as society and even video games! Women's bodies are displayed for marketing purposes as decorations! This leads some women to pay excessive attention to their appearance and spend long hours in front of the mirror It also leads to psychological illness for some women who feel ashamed of their bodies "Body Shame" Shame because she is treated like a sexual object which she despises or shame because she is unattractive in a society that values her based on her attractiveness The research also mentions that some women experience mental illnesses as a result They compare themselves to the "typical" advertised woman and undergo plastic surgery or use cosmetic tools to change their hair, skin, or eye color You can now imagine this "free" girl who wants to prove herself viewed by society as a sexual commodity and valued based on her physical attractiveness You can imagine what she will face on the street in public transportation at the university in the work environment even when she's online at home! The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights issued a report in 2014 with an expressive title: "Violence against Women: every day and everywhere" The report also addressed the sexual violence women experience in childhood Let's take a look at public transportation The UN published a news article two years ago, titled: "Overwhelming majority of women experience some form of harassment or sexual violence in their daily journeys." Overwhelming majority! The report starts by stating that these harassments have spread globally like a pandemic Furthermore, a report prepared by several authorities in France, including the State Secretary for Women's Rights states that 100% of women who use public transportation in France have experienced sexual harassment or assault The French News Agency disputes this percentage as exaggerated Just imagine, the dispute is about the percentage, is it 100% or less? What about the college girl? I remember when I attended the University of Houston to complete my PhD degree a booklet was distributed to students with statistics showing that 1 out of 3 female students were subjected to harassment It included tips on how to avoid it and if harassed what number to call and so on The situation is getting worse and numbers are multiplying globally even in scientific circles that are supposed to be socially superior According to a study published last year almost half of US female medical students experienced some form of sexual harassment In 2019, more than half of UK female students faced unwanted sexual behavior according to a study published by the Guardian and cited as the largest study in this field for male and female students This harassment respects neither academic rank nor teacher's authority! There are cases of harassment by students of their female professors who educate them as well as harassment of female students by male professors Imagine! The female student approaches the teacher to learn and he harasses her "Free" girls graduate from such college environments after experiencing harassment —at least half of them— and now they must search for work because a woman’s job is her only source of security; no one else is responsible for her Just as the father, brother or husband can't intervene in her life, they also bear no responsibility toward her We often forget this fact when talking about the Western woman We speak about her freedom but we forget that this "freedom" is also associated with the abdication of any duty towards her, addressing her needs, caring and providing for her Therefore, the free woman must prove herself at work so she doesn't get fired and lose her only source of security Well, what if she is asked to perform tasks that are unsuitable to her nature as a female? She cannot object because she conceded to the concept of absolute equality with men in everything and she has to do whatever brings income even if she has to use her body to keep her job: her only source of security This is an article published by the BBC in 2002 titled, "One in four women in Britain has office sex" This was in 2002 and it is only getting worse In the latest statistics on safeline: A British website which offers help to women who are subjected to harassment over 50% of working women in the UK have experienced sexual harassment in the work place Some reported that the person harassing them was their manager or someone in a position of authority Another major study in the US shows harassment levels in the workplace of 58% with a high percentage of male doctors harassing female doctors Likewise in the nursing profession —a humanitarian profession— as in this American study which states that more than 70% of nurses were subjected to harassment from patients and co-workers It has gotten to the point where the male employer openly asks the female employee to dress indecently in order to market his products until a group of waitresses demonstrated and demanded the intervention of the US authorities to free them from the grip of restaurant owners who were asking them to dress indecently The central slogan of their demonstration was "I am not on the menu!" i.e. the customer is supposedly in the restaurant to buy food not to buy me We have yet to talk about the women whose job is in prostitution According to the Economist it is estimated that, in Germany, there are 400,000 prostitutes serving 1 million men daily! Well, the working woman who was fired for one reason or another or ran away from a sexually-charged work environment No problem! Her husband, brother, father or any male relative in her family will support her. It's their duty! Whose duty? Did you forget that she now relies only on herself? She has proven her competitiveness, independence and her refusal of any intervention from them They have actually abandoned her Okay, what is the solution then? There is social welfare. What if social welfare is not enough? Or its payment was delayed? The answer comes from an article published by the BBC in 2018, titled: "I was forced into prostitution by Universal Credit" The article starts with "The Universal Credit benefits system is forcing some women to turn to sex work, charities say." This is due to the inefficiency of the social welfare system "The BBC has spoken to five charities and organizations in England who say there are increasing numbers of women on the credit (UC) in this position." When a woman works in this field of dishonor she revives another sector owned primarily by the whales of capitalism: The casinos and nightclubs sector Remarkably, the majority of women who are subjected to harassment and rape in transportation, at universities or in the work environment, do not report it to authorities! You might think she doesn't report it because she enjoys it "It is okay" for her to be harassed or raped; it is a compliment to her femininity! Not true! The vast majority of raped or harassed women suffer humiliation panic attacks depression, shame, self-loathing, desire for revenge and even acute physical symptoms She may quit her school or work as a result, according to the US Office for Victims of Crime So why don't they report it?! For many reasons: Fear of the negative impact the complaint might have on her career feelings of shame and embarrassment or lack of sufficient evidence, etc. She's attacked in a dark corner or out of sight there is no evidence, so he escapes punishment Some women submit to the aggressor because they fear the matter could escalate from harassment to violence and physical abuse, if they refuse to submit to his sexual frenzy The woman continues to bear this devastating toll on herself "Devastating Toll" is the term used by the US Office for Victims of Crime You might say, "She is to blame. She dresses and acts seductively to tempt men." This is what the Office for Victims of Crime considers as a myth which surrounds the rape of women All women are susceptible Some women contribute to create a state of sexual frenzy and other women pay the price This devastated woman, who needs psychological care, seeks therapy and gets harassed by the therapist as revealed by women in the "Me Too" movement: The slogan launched by women to encourage each other to speak out and reveal the sexual assaults they faced A growing trend is that of sexual harassment and exploitation of female patients by their psychotherapist or psychologist, who are supposed to save the woman from her distress! So why don't women complain to the members of parliament and legislators who craft legislations and issue penalties?! Parliaments! According to a study published by CNN in 2018 sexual abuse is widespread even in European Parliaments Where can a woman go after all this? Where can she seek refuge? With whom can she find protection? One study found that the vast majority of women in America feel pressured to remain physically attractive in order to be valued Her value is determined by her physical attractiveness, as the study states It is indeed a difficult equation You must be attractive to feel valued and be treated well Yet, when you and other women become physically attractive society becomes afflicted with sexual misconduct and someone assaults you, stripping you of self-worth and self-respect! It is very important to understand that this behavior towards a woman when she goes to school work or for treatment when a man extends his hand to toy with her, insult her and use her as an object for his uncontrolled sexual desire this is not purely the result of a transient sexual desire it is rather a result of the man's distorted disdainful view of women since childhood Forget the claims of equality, mutual respect and the propaganda which has no basis in reality! In a survey published by the US Office of Victims of Crime teens were asked whether forcing sex on a girl was justified 36% of them answered, "Yes if he is so aroused that he can't stop himself." While 39% answered, "Yes if he has spent a lot of money on her." That is, if he spent money on buying her gifts or food then he is entitled to play sexually with her and force her to have sex. In their words, "Forced sex was acceptable." Hold on! You are only showcasing sexual assault on women On the other hand, there are women who are satisfied with romantic relationships It is true that they are illicit but they are happy with such a relationship because it is consensual Aha! Happy! This is what they show you in the movies which are all fantasies like space alien fantasies Let's step a bit away from Hollywood and delve into the official websites of US and European governments to explore —aside from harassment and rape— how a woman is treated by her so-called "intimate partner" whether husband or a lover Go to the website of the US Department of Justice browse the statistics of "Violence Against Women" and read about "Battered Woman Syndrome" What does this term mean? Battered means: "Injured by repeated strong blows" So "Battered woman syndrome" describes the condition of a woman beaten like this this woman who justified the murder of her boyfriend because she suffered from Battered woman syndrome Such is the case for a large number of women some of whom publish their photos Once again, are these cases of heinous violence just anomalies? According to official US websites such as the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1 in 4 women is subjected to severe physical violence by an intimate partner These numbers exclude the physical violence inflicted by strangers It also excludes "mild" beating and violence It has gotten to the point where 1/4 to 1/3 of women who visit the ER in the US are victims of domestic violence according to the Office for Victims of Crime When muscles rule, there is no doubt that men will have the upper hand A study in the US on violence between partners —spouses or lovers— which led to emergency room admission, found that 93% of the patients were women and 7% were men This violence often escalates to murder! Just a few days ago rallies took place in France to condemn domestic violence after 116 women —at least— were killed in 2019 France 24 reported that a Frenchwoman is killed every three days by a husband, boyfriend or life-partner Also, a few days ago, France 24 covered protests against the humiliation of women The protest signs read: "Violence against women: a woman is raped every 7 minutes in France." You might be surprised to know that more than one-half of domestic violence victims require repetitive medical attention more than 6 times according to government websites In other words, she is repeatedly beaten and humiliated by her husband or partner Well, why doesn't this woman escape?! Where would she escape to? To her father or her brother! Oh... Have you forgotten? She might not even know who her father is! Or she knows but he does not have any responsibility towards her as she is a free and independent adult; equal to a man, needing no one. She has proven herself! Among what Western countries extend to such women is something called "Battered women's shelter": A place of temporary protection while she recovers from beatings and finds a way to make a living Now, this woman, who has been severely abused by her partner, wants to get rid of anything which reminds her of him What might remind her of him is the embryo he illicitly put in her womb Enter the technologies which facilitate abortion, the media which embellishes it and the legislation which allows it In America alone, there are about one million abortions annually two-thirds of which are after the sixth week –after ensoulment– which means the murder of a human being! According to the US Center for Disease Control unmarried women account for the vast majority of abortions a fleeting desire that ends in murder! Can you imagine what it means to abort a fetus: a human soul? I will not put pictures here because they are so horrendous You can google some of the terms I will mention and search for the images if your heart can handle it One of the most common methods is known as: "Dilation and Evacuation Abortion" where the doctor uses special instruments, i.e. surgical scissors forceps and suction tools The doctor cuts up the fetus —while in the mother's womb— and takes it out bit by bit The hands, legs, head, torso... This procedure is carried out daily in huge numbers worldwide There are other methods of abortion just as horrendous If a woman gives birth but does not wish to keep her newborn she can avail herself of baby hatches available across Europe and the US The mother can place her newborn in the boxes placed on the streets instead of throwing it in the trash as some "free" and "independent" women do! We have reached the stage where murdering a newborn is justified if the mother does not wish to keep it; "And when the girl [who was] buried alive is asked, For what sin she was killed?" (Quran Translated Meaning 81: 8-9) Infanticide has not stopped but now it is performed legally by doctors dressed in white lab coats! Here the female fetus is deprived of her right to live rounding up the list of insults and violations of rights; at every stage! This perspective on the life of the Western woman is unknown to many She freed herself from the responsibility of her father, brother, and husband a responsibility they gladly abdicated! As a result, the woman became a "Sexual Object" a toy for the wealthy man who uses her in exchange for university tuition fees a toy for white slave traders and publishers of pornographic magazines and those who harass her in public transportation, at school at work and in the clinic She became a punching bag for her boyfriend and every Tom, Dick or Harry You know —dear brothers and sisters— while preparing and organizing the material for this episode I felt an overwhelming empathy towards Western women I realized —more and more— what the world has lost by the decline of Muslims! We have yet to discuss the condition of Eastern women in non-Muslim societies such as the Chinese and Japanese women whose stories are not much better than those of their Western sisters We have yet to talk about the gender pay gap and promotion discriminations in the workplace another long discussion... One could say, "You are only showing the dark side of Western women's situation. Show the bright side!" The bright side?! What bright side is there in this miserable situation?! Women are now speaking up and demanding protection as the situation has become intolerable and silence is no longer an option! What bright side? The scientific discoveries by some women? The post-graduate degrees? What good are they if this woman failed to raise a generation to stop the injustice, contempt for women and the sexual frenzy in society? What good is a mother who is preoccupied with her research while her son is harassing, assaulting, raping and abusing other women? What do we really gain if we reach Mars but our morals reach rock-bottom?! (Echo) Rock-bottom... Since when is rivalry with men a prerequisite for women's success?! Was it feminism which accomplished these achievements? Couldn't those achievements and more have been realized through integration, cooperation and the mutual recognition of rights and duties of both men and women as well as raising a mentally sound generation in the arms of a stable family? In the Guardian's article —mentioned before— Nancy Fraser summarizes many recent Western feminists pleas She says, "As a feminist I've always assumed that by fighting to emancipate women I was building a better world more egalitarian, just and free but lately I've begun to worry that the ideals pioneered by feminists are serving quite different ends I worry, specifically, that our critique of sexism is now supplying the justification for new forms of inequality and exploitation." This is the result of a women liberation movement which launched with a heavily skewed compass Profiteers of misfortune snatched her and exploited her for their own agendas She secured no rights, no justice, no freedom and no equality! After all this, read what Allah says, what can be translated as, "Men are the stewards of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth" (QTM 4:34) Allah also says, what can be translated as, "The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong..." (Quran 9:71) When you hear "Battered Woman Syndrome" read Allah's words, that can be translated as, "And live with them in kindness." (Quran 4:19) "And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them," (Quran 2:228) Read what the Prophet, Peace & Blessings be upon him, says, "The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives." (Ibn Majah) And when you see the "Sexual Objectification" of Western women read what Allah says, what can be translated as, "And Allah presents an example of those who believed: the wife" (Quran 66:11) She is not a thing, an object or an ordinary person She is an example to be followed by those who believe "And Allah presents an example of those who believed: "the wife of Pharaoh..." (Quran 66: 11) A believing woman defied the Pharaoh who enslaved people She is a role model for women to defy today's Pharaohs who also want to enslave humanity “Pharaoh’s wife” and in the following verse: “And (the example of) Mary the daughter of Imran” These women are role models to be followed for their belief not for their materialistic output or their physical attractiveness As you hear about those who use women as a sexual commodity read about your Lord’s wrath for the honor of a female believer His anger with those who tarnish her reputation Allah says, what can be translated as, "Indeed, those who [falsely] accuse chaste, unaware and believing women are cursed in this world and the Hereafter; and they will have a great punishment." (Quran 24:23) and what can be translated as, "O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran 33:59) Read what your Prophet, Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him, says, "...Select the pious, may you be blessed!" (Agreed upon) "the pious" because she is not a sexual commodity, nor is her value in her physical attractiveness Her most important qualities are piety and morals When you see abortions and female newborns abandoned in baby boxes or see homeless women on the streets read what the Prophet, Peace & Blessings be upon him, says, "Anyone who has three daughters and provides for them, clothes them and shows mercy to them will definitely enter Paradise. A man from the people said, 'And two daughters, Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'And two.'" (Al-Albani) As you see untamed sexual frenzy read what the beloved Prophet, Peace & Blessings be upon him, says, “Women are the counterparts of men.” (Abu Dawud) After all this read what can be translated as, "Allah wants to make clear to you [the lawful from the unlawful] and guide you to the [good] practices of those before you and to accept your repentance. And Allah is Knowing and Wise. Allah wants to accept your repentance, but those who follow [their] passions want you to digress [into] a great deviation. And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak." (Quran 4:26-28) Read and observe our need for the Religion of Allah so that men and women may live in contentment In fact, the entire human race desperately needs to be saved from total loss Look at those who want our societies into regurgitate the misery of the Western woman's situation But this is the topic of our next episode, Allah willing May the peace & mercy of Allah be upon you
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Rambo Saves a Muslim Woman
Ep #2 · 35 min