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6 Benefits from the Proofs for Allah's Existence for Believers

Peace and Allah's mercy be upon you Dear viewers, we will begin our series for building certainty by proving the existence of Allah the Exalted It is the foundation upon which we will build everything The Muslim viewer may say, - "I believe in Allah’s existence - so this discussion isn't for me." In fact, even those with profound faith in the existence of Allah need these episodes Why? I will mention six important benefits: 1. Extending the roots of faith 2. Thinking well of Allah 3. Creating motivation 4. Steadfastness for self and others 5. Realization of Allah's blessings 6. Reviving pride The first benefit: Extending the roots Certainty has many levels How? Isn't the human being a believer, a disbeliever or a skeptic? Isn't certainty an absolute conviction; without a doubt? Yes! But this conviction, in turn, has levels When you believe in the existence of Allah —a firm and unquestioning belief— you have crossed to safety! That is, you escaped the pull of doubts and hesitation After that, people vary in the level at which their faith soars If you enter a garden and look at its trees They are all live upright trees But are they all alike? No! You'll find a shallow-rooted tree which can easily be uprooted; while another tree is deeply-rooted and hard to uproot; yet another has stronger deeper roots which are impossible to uproot It might be cut down or killed but never uprooted! Thus is the certainty in people's hearts A group of Muslims may all have certainty just as all these trees are alive yet with such a difference in their steadfastness when subjected to tribulations Similarly, trees are not alike in their fruition Some bear no fruit and benefit only themselves while others provide people with fruit and shade The same applies to certainty Thus, even the person with certainty needs to water his "certainty tree" so that it doesn't shrivel up and die but instead grows, thrives, spreads benefit and deepens its roots Contemplation is one of the most important sources of nourishment our Lord ordained "...and reflect upon..." (Translated Quran Meaning 3:191) One great contemplation is observing the evidence for the existence of Allah Glory be to Him "And Allah increases in guidance those who seek guidance." (Quran Translated Meaning 19:76) Abraham, peace be upon him realized the various levels of certainty Despite his high level of certainty he still wanted the highest level "And [mention] when Abraham said, 'My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead.' [Allah] said, 'Have you not believed?' He said, 'Yes!'" (Quran Translated Meaning 2:260) Meaning: I have faith and certainty; without a doubt "..but just to make my heart at peace.." (QTM 2:260) As interpreted by Ibn-Aashur he wanted to have his knowledge solidified and confirmed; to move from contemplation and reasoning to the simple certainty of direct observation: A manifestation of the Known which removes all need for repetitive reasoning and repels all doubts As if Abraham, peace be upon him, is saying I want to solidify this foundation: the truth of Resurrection and make it airtight, so I can build upon it and enjoy the peace of certainty without the need to grapple with this subject or address such questions again! This series is designed to offer you the peace and contentment of certainty The second benefit: Thinking well of Allah Our way of presenting evidence for the existence of Allah will not be dry It is not only intended to deepen our certainty in Allah's existence but also to deepen our love for Him, His Justice, His Wisdom and His Mercy The more you look at the evidence for Allah's existence and for the validity of His religion the more you become certain of His Mercy, Glory to Him because He established all this evidence And you think: O Allah! All these evidences! All these proofs! How merciful You are to Your worshipers! Your certainty in His justice will increase when He punishes people who still disbelieved in Him despite all these proofs! You will truly know that —after all this evidence— people will have no argument or excuse in front of Allah! There are Muslims who are certain of the truth of Allah’s existence but have a real issue with the fact that a disbeliever who is not convinced of Allah's existence or the truth of Islam, is punished This question causes the believer —who is certain of Allah's existence— to think ill of Allah's Mercy and Justice! Faith in Allah, dear viewers, is composed of belief as well as actions of the heart, the tongue (speech), and the body (actions) Belief, as we said, has different levels It requires strengthening, stabilization, and nourishment by pondering the evidence of Allah's existence Glory be to Him The actions of the heart include the love of Allah, certainty in His Justice and thinking well of His Wisdom and Mercy which also requires contemplation of the evidence for His existence, Glory be to Him If you have belief but your heart is confused; if you think ill of Allah and feel discomfort about His Justice, the light of belief will be blocked! Hence, there are two types of certainty: the certainty in the existence of Allah and the certainty that the evidence for Allah's existence is overwhelming, clear and sufficient to establish the argument for Him The third benefit is: Creating motivation Certainty, in accordance with our explanation is the driving force for everything It is the engine that propels you through its power to overcome obstacles and climb mountains As you perfect your certainty the only choice becomes to work harder and more vigorously on the road to Paradise Your energy reserves will burst forth to serve Allah's religion, obey His commands, and call to Him with determination, persistence and perseverance Every time you nourish your certainty you renew your energy and dissolve your laziness Accordingly, the very first description Allah uses to describe pious people in His noble book —what can be translated as— "...who believe in the unseen..." (Quran Translated Meaning 2:3) This is the driving force for everything! On the other hand, if there is a defect in the roots, it will extend to the fruits The fourth benefit, dear viewers: Steadfastness for self and others We are living in a time of trials and tribulations which has ousted many people from their faith! It is the duty of a Muslim to fortify himself and extend his certainty roots deep into the ground; to withstand the storms of tribulation and keep those around him steady Let's reflect on Ibn-Taymiyah's words, may Allah have mercy on him, "Most converts to Islam (from disbelief) and those born into Islam, who abide by Islam's laws, and obey Allah and His messenger, are considered Muslims with a general faith. However the essence of faith takes roots in their hearts gradually, if Allah grants. Otherwise, many Muslims do not reach certainty, or Jihad. If questioned they doubt and if called to Jihad they do not respond. They are neither disbelievers nor hypocrites, rather, they don't have enough knowledge and certainty in their hearts to withstand doubt." So, such people have a general faith but it's not deep in their hearts They are in danger! Even if you are satisfied with your level of certainty, dear viewer what about your children? Can you help them establish conviction and certainty? What about your family, loved ones and your environment? We are living in a war of thoughts which strikes at the foundation and roots, causing Muslims to doubt their Lord, Glory be to Him We often hear, these days people complaining that their children, brothers or loved ones have been afflicted by doubts Can you bear it if a loved one died disbelieving in Allah or doubting His existence? Allah, the Almighty says, what can be translated as, “And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and they were certain of Our signs." (Quran 32:24) Your ascent in the levels of certainty qualifies you to become a leader whom Allah uses to champion His religion You may face a doubt about Allah's existence from someone truly seeking an answer or another doubting your religion and wanting to embarrass you If you fumble, try to avoid answering, or give a shallow or angry response the skeptic rejoices as he assumes a delusional victory over your religion On the other hand, you can provide a decisive answer which silences the aggressor, guides the confused, and calms the hearts So roll up your sleeves and come join us! The fifth benefit for you as a Muslim from reviewing the evidence of Allah's existence, is: Realization of Allah's blessings upon you as you see the big difference between the believer and disbeliever in Allah's existence You realize, as never before, the meaning of many verses of the Quran, "Not equal are the blind and the seeing. Nor are the darknesses and the light. Nor are the shade and the heat. And not equal are the living and the dead." (Quran Translated Meaning 35:19-22) You profoundly understand the meaning of these verses: "Do you not see how misled are those who dispute Allah's signs?" (Quran Translated Meaning 40: 69) You realize this as you see the consequences of denying Allah; and how the denier sinks into a deep abyss! This increases your adherence and bias to your religion as well as your awareness of Allah's grace upon you Ibn-Taymiyah stated in "Minhaj Al-Sunnah" that Omar Ibn-Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “The knots holding Islam together will be unraveled one by one when Muslims no longer know what Jahiliya (Age of Ignorance) was like." Indeed, such people do not realize the great blessing of Islam For them, the distance between Right and Wrong has shrunk making it easy for Islam's knots to unravel and for them to fall into the valleys of loss and doubt The sixth benefit: Reviving pride By contemplating the evidence of Allah's existence, you will feel pride and inward harmony as you practice the rites of your religion and call to it You are certain that you have the obvious truth and that what you show and call to —which others have forsaken, your enjoining of right conduct and forbidding indecency is all based on the supreme and ultimate truth which you don't doubt for a moment You will not need to modify your appearance or hide your Islamic identity to gain the acceptance of others You won't need to adjust your headscarf or your behavior for others to accept you You won't feel alienated even if you are swimming against the current You feel that you are an original because you follow the truth As if you are saying: "O people, don't you see what I see? Do you not see the sun at midday?" For me, personally, whenever I look at the evidence of Allah's existence I sense this pride and harmony and this desire to invite people to obey Allah, Glory be to Him For all these reasons these episodes, in which we address the evidence of Allah Almighty’s existence, will not only be useful and important for the hesitant and the denier who are looking for the truth but also for every Muslim to extend roots, increase confidence in Allah, increase motivation and conviction for self and others, realize the blessings of Allah, and revive the pride in your soul; if Allah wills In the next episode we will start, Allah willing with the innate evidence of Allah's existence, Glory be to Him May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you
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Innate Nature and the Computer
Ep #3 · 5 min