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Innate Nature and the Computer

Innate Nature and the Computer (Episode 3) Allah's Peace & Mercy be upon you Dear viewer, we start today with the PRIME foundation: Proving the existence of Allah to establish the platform for all that comes next What guides us to Allah's existence? It's innate nature and mind We will start with the innate evidence for Allah What is meant by innate nature? We often hear this expression But what does it mean? How does it prove the existence of Allah Almighty? Innate nature refers to the forces and impulses that are embedded in the human soul; whose effects emerge as humans grow and interact with their environment; starting from the moment an infant latches onto its mother's breast to suckle then his/her inclination towards truth and good morals We may liken man's innate nature to a computer's operating system This operating system has components that work in perfect harmony to produce a rational balanced human being Notice Allah's words that may be translated as “We have certainly created man in the best of stature.” (Quran 95:4) "The best stature" includes the innate components needed to fulfill the purpose of human creation This is clear when the Quran quotes Moses, Peace be upon him, "Our Lord is the One Who has given everything its distinctive form then guided [it]." (QTM 20:50) Among the "guided" is Mankind Allah has perfected the creation of the human being and guided him/her by innate nature to the following: 1- Acknowledge that he and this universe have a Provident Creator and feel his need for this Creator; resorting to Him in hardship 2- He guided him with an innate nature that will formulate within him rational axioms; with which he can comprehend the Words of this Creator and and his duties towards Him 3- He guided him to ask about the purpose of his existence and his destiny after death; which forms the driving force to search for the Commandments of his Creator and live accordingly 4- He guided him with the moral tendency to have innate love for what is good, just and righteous and innate hatred of evil, tyranny and corruption in harmony with the Commandments of the Creator; so that Mankind has a natural affinity towards Allah's commands 5- He guided him to realize his free will to choose: to obey or disobey the Creator, “And have shown him the two ways.” (QTM 90:10) 6- And He guided Mankind with instincts necessary for survival in harmony and balance during his trial period on Earth such as the maternal and survival instincts Something similar to this broad definition of innate nature is found in Ibn Ashour's book "Liberation and Enlightenment" regarding the verse: “We have certainly created man in the best of stature.” (QTM 95:4) It is an innate package of components working in amazing harmony to produce a functional purposeful human being Innate nature may be obscured during the course of one's life One may struggle with it, deafen his ears or totally suppress it to silence its call so that it can no longer be heard However all this cannot change the fact that it is inherent within the human from conception pre-dating all efforts to suppress it and that it will continue to plague him every now and then by its affinity to anything that removes its accumulated dust and revives it This is why innate nature is such a major predicament for atheists It necessitates an external involvement from a Knowledgeable Intending Source Who transcends random bio-chemical reactions The atheists' predicament is like someone saying, "This computer was created by pure chance! Its parts were not designed or assembled by a designer; but by a chaotic turbulent wind We turned on the computer: Lo and behold! A fully-functioning operating system and software programs; each designed for a specific purpose! How do you explain the existence of these programs, atheist? Even if we let your ridiculous lie about the hardware slide; how do you explain the existence of the software programs on this device? Biochemical reactions, random mutations and natural selection —if we overlook the fact that they cannot create and concede that they did somehow create and give life to a human— how can random blind processes instill, in the human mind and soul this integrated directed innate bundle? And how do you explain the formation of an identical set in every newborn human? Some atheists admit to this quandary such as the British atheist and philosopher Thomas Nagel, in his well-known book titled: "Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False" Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False! The book lists 3 fundamental issues which Darwinian materialism cannot address: Consciousness, cognition, and values Yet its author remained an atheist! As for atheists in general, how did they deal with the dilemma? They wavered between denying the innate nature of these components; i.e. claiming that such innate components do not exist in humans since inception but are the result of environment and upbringing While others acknowledged the existence of innate components but tried to find materialistic explanations Both parties ended up in a mess of confusion, contradiction and absurdity as we shall see, Allah willing We discussed the definition of innate nature and the atheists' dilemma in dealing with it, in general In the following episodes we will explore the atheists' predicament with each of the aforementioned components of innate nature; so you can say with full conviction, "Praise to Allah, who has guided us to this; and we would never have been guided if Allah had not guided us." (QTM 7:43) It is worth mentioning that in our episodes about innate evidence for the existence of Allah, the Exalted I benefited a lot from the book "Shumu An-Nahar" by Eng. Abdullah Al-Ujairi may Allah Protect him Our next episode, Allah willing will be about Mankind's innate religiosity Stay tuned.. May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon you
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