Are we Born Believers?
Dr. Eyad Qunaibi
Peace be upon you
Dear viewers, in the previous episode we
explained the bundle of innate components
that presents
a dilemma for the atheist which
he evades by denying
the existence of these components
or by giving them a materialistic
Today, we will discuss the atheistic view
on the first component: Religiosity
i.e. the human realization that
there is a Ruling Creator for
him and this universe
and the desire to worship this Creator:
getting close to Him,
sensing our need of Him,
and resorting to Him in hardship
From the Islamic perspective
this tendency is
a self-evident truth.
In many Quranic verses
Allah Almighty says,
what can be translated as,
“And when affliction touches Man,
he calls upon Us” (Quran 10:12)
"Man" in general terms, because this is
an ingrained disposition in every human
When we say religiosity is
an innate component
we mean it's a deeply-rooted
intrinsic component of the human soul
and an authentic part of its formation
Its roots are present from birth;
irrespective of external influences
Initially, the atheist denied this natural
inclination to religiosity saying,
"No! People’s belief in
the existence of a Creator is
a result of upbringing influences
and passed down through generations
but if humans are left to themselves
they wouldn't have any
tendency to believe in
the existence of a Creator."
The atheist also tells you,
“There are many myths;
each with its group of followers:
like Santa Claus, who rides in
in a flying sleigh on Christmas Eve,
the fire-breathing dragon, etc."
Our response is:
"Even if we ignore the fact
that mythical beliefs have no evidence
while EVERYTHING indicates
the existence of a Creator
—as we will show in this series
Allah willing—
there is a world of difference
—in perception—
between mythical beliefs fed to children;
which they later
discover to be total fabrications
—lacking any proof—
and laugh at themselves because
they used to believe in them:
Such as dragons, Santa Claus
or myths believed
by people in certain
geographical locations and
passed down through generations
On the other hand, religiosity:
This deeply-rooted feeling people
find in themselves;
even those who deny this feeling
desperately grapple
with themselves to deny it
but its question haunts them
and imposes itself;
forcing them to desperately seek
materialistic explanations for it
This predisposition towards religion
in the human psyche
is confirmed by
studies in Anthropology
and Sociology
It has become common in many studies
to refer to the innate nature of religion
by saying,
"Religion is hardwired in humans."
Meaning: It is an intrinsic component
in humans
intertwined with their flesh and blood;
like arteries and nerves
This is a truth deeply-rooted in history
Even the Greek biographer Plutarch said,
"If we traverse the world,
it is possible to find
cities without walls, without letters,
without kings, without wealth, without
coin, without schools and theaters;
but a city without a temple,
or that practiseth not worship,
prayer and the like, no one ever saw."
This matter, dear viewers, doesn't
require studies or historical analysis
but is something
the human finds in himself:
That if he falls into hardship
he gets a strong feeling
which he cannot ignore
that there is a Supreme Power
Who can save him
and he finds himself calling
and resorting to his Lord
to relieve him!
Hence the Western proverb:
"There are no atheists in foxholes."
Foxholes mean war trenches
where soldiers are exposed to
life-threatening danger
The atheist might stubbornly deny this
You may find a group of cowardly
soldiers —in no real danger—
killing and raping civilians for fun
while putting up signs that say,
"Atheists in foxholes"
Some atheists arrogantly insist
that they do not need God;
even cursing God;
Whom they don't believe even exists!
How can they curse
what "doesn't exist"?!
Their sickening repetition of such
expressions; without rhyme or reason
indicates a conflicted psyche struggling
to suppress the deep voice within
Otherwise, they wouldn't
need all this noise;
especially since the atheist does not
expect a reward in the Afterlife
for publicizing his belief, nor does he
have absolute moral motives to save people
from the "delusion" of believing in a God
—according to his viewpoint—
To fill the void which results from
denying this innate component
which imposes itself upon them;
they began to establish
atheist congregations with
rituals remarkably similar
to religious congregations:
known as "atheist churches"
which began to spread
in many countries
such as the US, Canada and Britain
as a conscious or unconscious
expression of this innate component
Indeed, Ibn Al-Qayyim was
right in saying,
“There is a need in the heart that
nothing can fill but Allah Almighty,
and there is disunity in it that can
only be unified by returning to Him,
and there is a sickness in it that
can only be cured by
faithfully worshiping only Him."
So, we are not talking about
dragons or Santa Claus;
but about a deeply-rooted feeling that
people across the ages
have found within themselves:
A persistent question in the denier's head
demanding an answer; again and again
A belief which
the components of the innate bundle
work jointly to direct to and serve
as we explained in the last episode;
We are not talking about myths
which neither relate to the
innate bundle
nor complement it
An atheist might say,
"Humans enjoy feelings of dominance:
A male may feel a desire to
sexually assault a female
Yet you, believers in Allah,
consider this a bad tendency."
We respond, "The human tendency to follow
whims and desires
does not refute our argument
Even if some people are inclined to vice;
they do not defend such tendencies
or deem them right
but admit that they are evil tendencies
The innate component here:
The moral tendency
includes the admission that
illicit desires are bad
The human being knows that these
tendencies are wrong by innate nature
Hence, it is an argument for us;
not against us!
Many atheists admitted that religiosity
and belief in the existence of a God,
goes beyond external
and environmental influences
and is a central element in humans
What did they do then?
Did they believe?
No! Because atheism
does not look for the truth
Instead, when their beliefs are refuted
they look for an alternative
ANYTHING except belief in Allah
They said,
"The tendency to believe in a Creator
does not necessarily have to be the truth
It might be a delusion
resulting from randomness:
A naturally-selected trait
to help humans survive
And we will look for a material
explanation for religiosity."
Indeed, new fields of study began
to emerge to study this phenomenon
For example, a new brand
of Neuroscience emerged:
A field devoted to
researching the link between
the nervous system
and the phenomenon of religiosity
They even searched for
"the gene" responsible for religiosity!
The American geneticist
Dean Hamer published
a book in 2005 titled,
"The God Gene: How Faith Is
Hardwired into Our Genes"
which discusses how faith
is part of our genes
You will find publications
on the search for
the part of the brain responsible
for belief in a Creator,
such as Matthew Alper's,
"The God Part of the Brain"
i.e. the faith part of the brain
First, note that these atheists
did not seek materialistic explanations
for people's belief in dragons
or any other silly example
given by atheists
when they said,
"You assume there is a God
Anyone can assume anything:
like a flying spaghetti monster,
a teapot orbiting space, etc."
Because there is a world of difference
between these silly examples and beliefs
and the intrinsic religiosity that is
deeply-rooted in humans!
But wait, atheists!
What are you doing?
"We are looking for a materialistic
explanation for religiosity."
Let's assume you can find
a materialistic explanation
for religiosity;
you still have to find
materialistic explanations
for all the other innate components
that we discussed in the previous episode
We will see, when we present
the free will episode
the invalidity of trying to provide
a genetic materialistic explanation
for everything
and how such explanations
turn to foolish nonsense!
Yet we say, "Let's assume that
you do find genes for religiosity,
others for mental necessities, a third
set for morality, a fourth for instincts,
a fifth for sense of purpose,
and a sixth for free will
—which seems paradoxical, like saying:
"Genes force you to be free!"—
But let's assume
you do find all these genes;
How do explain this
coordinated directed bundle
which guides people
to believe in a Creator,
love His worship,
and seek refuge in Him;
with the mental necessities
to understand His requirements,
the moral tendencies in harmony
with His commandments,
a sense of purpose motivating
humans to follow them,
free will to choose
to obey or disobey Him,
and instincts to ensure human survival
on Earth during this trial period!
It is as if
your "randomness" worships our Lord!!!
Even if you do find this bundle
then it is more evidence for
the greatness of our Creator:
Who instilled it in humans, integrated
its components, and made it aligned
with His commandments!
Atheistic arrogance answers,
"All these tendencies don't necessarily
mean anything and their existence
does not mean that they are valid."
In fact, dear viewers, even
though our explanations
are sufficient
for those who seek guidance
we will continue to debate the atheist
as this discussion has benefits.
We'll see in the coming episodes;
the consequences of the claim
by the atheist:
That what the human finds in himself
from these components
doesn't give them a value of truth!
Our next stop is: Mental necessities
It is an important episode with
ample benefit, Allah willing
So stay tuned...
May the peace and mercy of Allah
be upon you
The Journey of Certainty
Prepared & Presented by: Dr. Eyad Qunaibi
Filming & Supervision:
Abdel-Hamid Shams El-Deen
Graphics Implementation:
Muhammad Shabsough