Women and the Pursuit of Self-fulfillment
Peace be upon you
We find her rushing out
as usual
Where to, young lady?
"To the university, to work,
to the job market, to the media..."
What do you want from all that?
"I want to prove myself."
Prove yourself to whom?
"To myself, so that I can respect myself!"
"With success in my studies and work."
What will that prove?
"That I am not beneath my peers
in intelligence,
determination or productivity."
Well, who said that these are
the correct standards to evaluate
your success as a woman?
Who said that productivity is only
occupational or career-oriented?
"These are the standards
recognized by everyone."
So, you are proving yourself to people
according to their standards!
"Well, my view of myself is bound to
be affected by how people view me!"
Are you truly successful and strong
if your view of yourself
depends on how people view you
and whether they recognize your success?
Does your happiness hinge on your success
according to standards set by others?
Do people have the right to determine
whether you're successful or not?
Are their standards the absolute truth
that you need to worry about?
What if their standards change
—as they do from time to time—
will you then try to succeed
according to the new standards?
Can you maintain your psychological
well-being if you do so?
What if you cannot prove your success
according to their standards?
"Oh, I would feel like a loser!"
What if you were smart and determined
but you were mistreated by society
or the job-recruitment system?
Or someone else was hired because
she was 'prettier', not more qualified?
Would you still feel like a loser?
Why is your life held hostage
by people's opinions?
Is your goal in life
to please people?
In fact, have you ever thought
about your goal in life?
Have you thought
about who you are?
Why you're here in this life?
What you really want?
When you set your own goal
then 'finding' and 'proving' yourself
will automatically follow
because you will find them
in the achievement of your goal
Don't you, as a Muslim, have goals
that distinguish you from others?
"But I want to prove myself
without going against my religion.
I go to school and work
in my Hijab (Islamic attire)."
This is a superficial Islamization
for a foreign concept;
like an external seal of approval without
considering the roots of the concept
The prime issue is not
what you wear
but what motivates you to such actions
and the values and standards through
which you evaluate matters
Self-fulfillment in the West
is based on their view of life:
an individualistic view
that ignores Allah,
what He decreed as
goals and roles for people,
and the accounting in
the Afterlife!
It is associated with their
social and cultural contexts
and their definition of
happiness and success
As for us Muslims, we are a nation
with its own goals, standards,
values, definitions, and view
of the universe and life
Thus, we do not seek self-fulfillment
outside the purpose of our existence:
"Say, 'Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice,
my living and my dying are
all for Allah, Lord of the worlds.'"
(Quran Translated Meaning 6:162)
My whole life is worship
I aspire to achieve success
within my servitude to Allah
with the absolute conviction that it
holds the keys to my happiness and success
I believe in the promise of Allah,
that can be translated as,
"Whoever does righteous deeds,
male or female, while being a believer,
We will surely grant him a good life..."
(Quran 16:97)
On the other hand
the Western concept that deifies Man
and his lusts
and rejects servitude to Allah
qualifies Man for Allah's words
which can be translated as,
"But whoever turns away from My Reminder
will have a miserable life...”
(Quran 20:124)
Didn't your Creator —Glorified is He—
Whom you believe in, set ultimate goals?
He says, what can be translated as,
"Let those who strive, strive for that."
(Quran 83:26)
He gave you the roadmap
to achieve these goals
After this, who has the right
to set standards for
success and its priorities:
people or the Lord of all people?
He created you and them,
He provides for you and them,
in His hands is your
happiness and theirs;
your sadness and theirs,
and to Him is your return and theirs
What if people's standards are corrupt?
What if you can't achieve
their view of success
except by angering the Lord of Mankind?
By contrast, what if you are both
successful and dutiful to your Lord
with deeds that no one witnesses
except Him —Glorified is He;
deeds done in secret because they aren't
intended to prove anything to anyone
Would such deeds go to waste?
Would they fail to improve
your self-esteem and self-respect?
If all this does not concern you
and you insist on pleasing people;
do you think that your only
loss will be in the afterlife
and that you'll achieve happiness
and serenity in this life?
Or will you be like the ones
mentioned by Allah
in what can be translated as,
"And do not obey one whose heart
We have made heedless
of Our remembrance,
who follows his desires
and whose affair is at loss."
(Quran 18:28)
So, your life would collapse,
you'd lose your serenity,
displease your lord,
and wreck your relationship
with others;
as we saw in the episodes
on the Western woman
Which is right:
To value yourself irrespective
of people's perceptions
or to make them the judge?!
To set a steady goal or a shifting goal
which requires constant adjustments?!
To assess yourself using
a Divine and Just scale
or a narrow human perspective?!
To focus your heart on
pleasing Allah
or scatter it among different viewpoints?
To purify yourself and strive
to stay steadfast on the Right Path
or submit to your whims
and weakness?
You might say, "Does this apply
differently to men and women?
"Is this only required from
women, and not men?"
No, it applies equally to both
men and women;
to myself, to Du'a (callers to Islam),
to instructors and all people
This is why those concerned with
Da'wah (call to Islam)
must nurture their
relationship with Allah
so that they can address people
with a strong spirit
and provide people with what they need;
not a fragile spirit
which needs to prove
itself to others and
and lets people's praise
determine its self-view
such that the du'ah tell people
what they want to hear, not what they
need to hear:
in the 'commercial islam' style!
All the above is addressed
to both men and women
However, a woman suffers more than a man
if she doesn't follow her religion
When she goes out into the world
with wrong concepts
wanting to prove herself to others
according to imposed
materialistic and capitalistic standards
she is exposed
to humiliation and exploitation
as we saw in the episode
"Liberation of The Western Woman"
Thus, the woman needs
to strive more for self-purification
so that she ventures out — if she wishes—
with a fulfilled giving spirit
not a hungry one that needs to be filled
with the appreciation and affection
of others
She ventures out strong and self-sufficient
as Islam's Qiwamah
(authority, responsibility and protection)
and good parenting
has met her needs
She's not a fragile needy person
subject to exploitation in a time
of rising injustice
of the strong toward the weak;
men and women
because Islamic values have been
replaced by materialistic values
A woman needs to dignify
herself to interact with people
according to her rules which
are derived from her religion
not the rules imposed by politicians
capitalists, those who enslave
people or those who do not
respect her religion
You might say: "I am not interested in
proving myself or anything of the kind,
I just want a degree and a job for the
future, so as not to depend on anyone,
I might not get married
and even if I do, I don't
want my husband to abuse
my financial dependency on him."
Or you might say: "I work
because, as a divorcee, I need the income
to spend on myself and my children
or even on my parents."
This is a topic that we will
discuss later, Allah willing
But, what we will mention
in today's episode
is essential for all men and women;
whatever our motive for
work and success might be
When a Muslim woman distinguishes
herself through her Islamic identity,
sets her goals to achieve servitude
to Allah in its comprehensive sense,
and sets her heart on this path;
this means her adherence to
the priorities and roles set by Islam
for her well-being
and the well-being of her society
in a perfect balance that
protects everyone's rights
Thus, there are levels of
success for a woman:
Success in the basics, the
supplementals, and the exceptionals
First: Success in the basics
These are the individual duties
of every woman including
1- Her pure monotheistic relationship
with Allah,
avoiding any breach of this
Monotheism by submitting to
Allah's guidance in all her affairs,
and performing her duties
2- Her relationship with herself
by accepting and loving herself
and striving to do good and avoid evil
3- Her role in the family as a daughter,
wife, mother or sister
4- Seeking the knowledge that will
help her perform her duties in all this
Success at this level is a MUST
for every woman, without exception!
The beauty of Monotheism
that our Prophet, Peace & and
Blessings be upon him, was sent with
is that the success of the woman
in these core basics:
her relationship with herself and
Allah, is easily attainable
The Prophet, Peace & Blessings
be upon him, expressed this well:
“If a woman observes the
five times of prayer, fasts in
Ramadan, preserves her chastity,
and obeys her husband...
She will be told,
"Enter Paradise from any of the gates of
paradise she wishes." (Sahih Ibn Hibban)
Yes, she has duties beyond that in
self-purification and
duties towards parents and kids
Success in all of this
is a great thing
but it's only easy for
those to whom Allah grants success
Therefore, she reads in her prayer:
"You (alone) we worship and You (alone)
we ask for help."
(Quran Translated Meaning 1:5)
The man, by the way, is assigned
the same priorities
He is required to give priority to himself
and his self-purification
then to his family
All of this is within the first level
of success: in the basics!
"O believers! Protect yourselves
and your families
from a Fire..."
(Quran Translated Meaning 66:6)
"Start with yourself, then with those
who depend upon you."
However, the man has additional roles
since he is entrusted with
care for the woman
as a father, husband, brother or son
He's entrusted with her protection,
required to spend on her,
meet her needs and provide
housing for her
and his children. His duty is
to spend on them and protect them
His success in that
is success in the basics
and his neglect of that is a sin
Thus, the priorities of men
and women are the same
However, their specific roles
—as decreed by the Creator—
are different to suit
their different natures
What is important for a woman to know is
that, if she is successful in the basics
then she should feel satisfied
and value herself
irrespective of proving herself to others
She should value herself because
she achieved the purpose of her creation
and proved herself
in the way her Lord loves
to herself and her family
who truly need her
as she truly needs them
This is the most important
arena for competition
If you succeed in this
then you get a full mark
Meaning: You do not need
to pursue further success,
your 'self' is not lost for you to find,
nor are you a nobody to prove yourself;
if you succeed in these basics!
The second level of success is
the woman's direct contribution
—without an intermediary—
to the public good; as a teacher, doctor
or any other role that suits her nature
We call it
'contribution without an intermediary'
because, when a woman performs
her family role
the man's every success is her success
They are a united team that aims
to elevate the word of Allah,
achieve economic independence
for the Ummah, and fulfill
the role of vicegerency for
the empowerment of Muslims
The woman supports the man
in this mission, provides
an environment of psychological
stability and productivity,
and raises a successful generation.
Thus, their success is hers!
If a Muslim woman frees herself
from the capitalistic mindset
then her job within the family unit
becomes no less important
than the job which she does publicly
In Islam:
“Actions are but by intentions..."
(Al Bukhari)
The Lord of mankind alone
has the right to set standards
and He has made:
'supporting a job' the same as doing it,
the one who guides to good
as the one who does good,
and the woman who supports
men in righteousness and
protects their back by caring
for the home and family
equally deserving of the reward!
Allah sees her actions and rewards her
While in the materialistic system
a woman is required to prove
herself; with numbers!
What if a woman is able to
perform her duty in the basics
and wants to work outside the home
in a field suitable to her nature
and work conditions
permissible in Shari'a
with the permission of whoever
has Qiwamah over her?
Great! In some cases
this is a communal obligation;
a form of vicegerency on Earth and
servitude in its comprehensive sense
However, success in this level
is possible only for a subset of women
and is not obligatory
for all women
Thus, if it is done by some women
the general benefit is achieved
and those who achieve this success
don't do it to prove a lost 'self'
but to fulfill a real need!
Where is the problem then?
The problem is when 100% of women
are expected to achieve
success at this level!
Confusion and an imbalance
in priorities results when
the societal culture is that
forcing all women into such fields
—in both education and jobs—
is the only standard for success!
The problem is that the globalization
of education and information
tears down the borders
between the Islamic Ummah and
other nations, for the benefit
of politicians and capitalists
who incite—like demons— the feelings
of failure and inferiority in women
Then they promote their
materialistic evaluation standards
as a replacement for Allah's Law!
All this comes with utter marginalization
for her success at the basics:
building a balanced
sound female personality
with serenity and confidence
who is reconciled with herself,
and successful in her relationship
with her Lord
and in performing her family role;
that only she can perform
They marginalize all that
and even work on destroying
her psychologically at this basic level
They distort her relationship with
her Lord and herself
and emotionally charge her
with their perverted TV series,
songs and movies
At the same time, they distort the
concepts of family and lawful marriage,
instill —in her— a sense of rivalry
with her male guardians
and ignore women's many successes
in the basics:
in family relations and parenting
Then they tell the woman,
"Come to university and work, and
rid yourself of feelings
of inferiority and failure."
The girl goes out to study and work
in a fragile, anxious, and lost state
Work becomes a goal for which
she sacrifices herself and her faith,
her failures increase in the basics,
and her job becomes a source of
humiliation and enslavement
by politicians and capitalists
as she works in job conditions dictated
by them, follows their rules
and seek her 'lost self' with them;
as per their deceptions
Consequently, women suffer
while those who incited them
to enter these fields marginalize
their pain and the problems
faced by women in these fields:
physical, psychological,
familial and societal problems
so that they can continue
to trap more victims into this whirlpool
The problem occurs when a girl attempts
to succeed in the supplementals
—which are not required from all—
when she has failed in the basics
So, she embarks into the work
environment without fortifying herself
and without a clear vision, specific
standards, or correct motives;
thereby harming her 'self'
and seeking it in the wrong place
She may marry and have
a family while she is thus;
producing more individuals
—like herself— for the Ummah!
Here many women and girls might say,
"But I can combine two levels
of success at the same time:
in the basics and at work."
I won't answer you with future
expectations but with evident reality
What is the real-life result
of such a conviction?
When the woman enters
the typical work cycle:
8 daily working hours and what follows;
does she have any energy left?
What success in the basics
are we talking about?
Won't many of her basic
duties become postponed wishes
to be added to her 'to do' list
while her duties at the office
can't be delayed;
as the months turn to years?!
Don't we see the result
in the women who carry
more responsibilities than they can bear;
who are mentally anxious,
distracted, and feeling lost, guilty
and dissatisfied with their efforts
in almost everything?
In the resulting psychological and family
problems for them and their children?
In the family breakups
which may not result in divorce
but in coldness and bad relations
that are worse than divorce?!
Some women may be able to
attain both levels of success
But this is so rare
that it can't become the yardstick,
the standard in society,
or the culture through which
everyone is addressed
So, imagine the results
when the media tasks the woman
with the third level of success:
in exceptional things!
Be a discoverer, an inventor,
a media personality, a CEO!
When such examples are presented
as role models for all girls
such that a girl compares herself to them
and feels pained by her failure
when she doesn't measure up!
It's is unlikely that she can measure up
as very few people are exceptional
Image a girl occupying herself with this
while neither she
nor her role models
have achieved success
in the obligatory basics:
the first level of success!
The societal culture should be
that a woman does not move
from a level to the next
before securing the prior level
Otherwise, she is like
a doctor who exposes
himself to patients with
different contagious diseases
without protective measures
—ignoring his weak immunity—
then justifies this by saying that
treating people is a public benefit!
Yes, there were
exceptionals in the Ummah
like Khadijah
May Allah be pleased with her
who was
—as we say nowadays—
'a successful businesswoman'
who funded the call to Islam
while being, at the same time
a model of success in the basics
The believing woman recalls
the saying of her Prophet,
May the Peace of Allah upon him,
“Give to each his due.”
(Al-Bukhari) and
“...and she is responsible for
her charge.”
Thus, she will not prioritize
what she is not obligated to do
over success in her obligations
She will not search for additional success
when she has not fulfilled her duties;
much like an indebted person
loaning money to others!
A woman who is successful in
the basics might work
from home or part-time
(where she sets the rules)
while maintaining priority
and allocating time for the basics
Or delay such work
until she achieves
sufficient character strength
and her children become independent
after she has fulfilled her duties
and acquired experience and
wisdom from parenting
which qualify her for success
in the supplementals
She is in no rush
because she is not
fooled by the deception
of those who incite
the sense of inferiority and failure
Once again: How does a man differ
from a woman in that?
He differs by what Islam has
obligated upon him
which is spending
on the woman and children,
protecting them, and providing
housing and an honorable living
according to the roles
that Islam has specified
His success in that is
success in the basics
and his neglect deserves a punishment
Thus, we address men in the same
way we address women:
We tell them to abide
by the priorities set by Allah
The man should work to provide
not to prove himself to others
but to fulfill
Allah Almighty's Command
and to realize servitude to Allah
in its comprehensive sense
Thus, if a man immerses himself
in work for the love of money,
to prove himself,
or compete with others
at the expense of his wife and
children and their rightful share
of his emotions, time, and guidance
then he is sinful like the woman
who is too busy for the basics
You might still have questions:
"So, are you telling me this
to convince me to marry and have a family
instead of a university degree and work?!
Is a woman expected to be a housemaid?!
What if I don't see myself
with a husband or children,
but in voluntary work or education?
Aren't these noble non-materialistic
goals, according to you?
You say: 'Raise children.'
In other words:
Be a burning candle to provide
those around you with light!
Aren't academic degrees and jobs
protection for the woman?"
We will answer all these questions
in what will come next, Allah willing
To recap what we said today:
You are a Muslim woman
with a distinctive character and goals
so fulfill yourself by achieving these
goals in the correct priorities
This is true success!
This is the real competition arena!
From this, you develop a sound, stable,
serene and confident female personality
who is reconciled with herself,
appreciates herself,
is successful in her relationships,
and pleasing to her Lord!
Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon you.