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Women and the Forgotten Mission

Peace be upon you A 2011 study from Swansea University, described as the largest study on the conversion of Britons to Islam and reported on by newspapers including The Independent, titled "Women and Islam: The rise and rise of the convert" —i.e. women who recently embraced Islam— the study stated that the number of Britons who embraced Islam in the past decade was 100,000; a significant increase from the preceding decade (1991-2001) during which 60,000 Britons embraced Islam Interestingly, three-quarters of these new Muslims were women A 2017 research paper covering many European countries showed large numbers embracing Islam in Germany, France and many other European countries. It also showed a high number of female vs. male reverts (returning to innate Islamic faith). Why? Did you watch our episode on the "Liberation of the Western Woman"? Do you recall the desert that the Western woman wanders in? If her innate nature is sound what do you expect her to do once she views —in her desperate plight— the oasis of Islam? once she discovers the justice in Islam and how it regulates her relationship with her Creator, herself and her society? A justice guided by a Preserved Revelation not the whims of politicians and manipulative capitalists That is why Britain, Germany and France are the countries with the most female reverts They are the countries where women are suffering the most as discussed in the episode: "Liberation of the Western Woman" Eng. Fadel Soliman interviewed several women reverts and published a documentary oddly titled, "Islam in Women" not the usual "Women in Islam" Why "Islam in Women" and not "Women in Islam"? Because of a recurring phenomenon among the interviewed women When asked, "When did you embrace Islam?" they answered, "Don't ask me when I embraced Islam but ask, 'when did I discover Islam within me?'" "Discover Islam within me" is a great expression that confirms that Islam is in our innate nature This eagerness to embrace Islam continues despite the situation of Muslims nowadays and despite media campaigns and movies which target Islam on a daily basis Women continue to revert to Islam fully aware that Islam is globally oppressed and fully expecting rejection once they don the hijab (women's Islamic attire) Yes, people still find their way to Islam even though the majority of Muslims are oblivious of their duty to call to Islam; some even celebrating the religious rituals of others instead of inviting them to the true religion! Notice the significant increase of reverts after 2001 —the decade which followed 9/11— when the reverse of what was expected to occur, occurred! The mere awareness of these women of the existence of Islam, their growing curiosity to know it and the boom in educating and inviting people to Islam; all culminated in this amazing and unexpected result! What is it that attracted these Western women to Islam and led them to embrace it despite all the challenges? This question was asked in the documentary "Islam in Women" You might be surprised to learn that what attracted many Western women to Islam was, in fact, the very same legislation which led some Muslim women to doubt or even abandon Islam; the same divine legislation that Muslim women felt uneasy about, because of conflicting standards or the misapplication of this legislation in real life As for the Western woman who had gone through the experience, tasted the bitterness, suffered the continuous exploitation and deceit, traveled to the end of that road, knew the consequences and ramifications, recognized the manipulative tactics to steer her in the Devil's direction, and experienced this loss and confusion for so long; if her innate nature is sound, she will realize the wisdom, truth and justice in Islamic legislation; which many Muslim women are oblivious of However, according to a study published by The Independent the majority of Muslim reverts complain about their state of confusion and the lack of educational support which forces them to rely on themselves in learning about Islam; and causes disorientation and for some, a sense of isolation While they felt welcomed and embraced by the Muslim community when they reverted to Islam, the care later disappeared as Muslims got busy with other concerns Whereas other major religions have well-planned programs to guide new reverts As if the Western woman revert is saying to the Muslim-born woman: - "Why aren't you doing anything to help women like me - and save others from going astray? - Why aren't you a role model for successful family relationships; - cooperating with your husband in piety and charity - and in raising your children well; - fulfilling the duty ordained by Allah? 'You were the best nation - produced (as an example) for mankind.' (Quran Translated Meaning 3:110) - Where are you? - I read the translated meanings of the Quran and a 14-century-old biography - of the prophet and embraced Islam - because it is an inherently appealing religion; - Where are you from embodying what I read in the Quran and Sunnah; - from being a live contemporary example for your deprived sisters? - You were derelict in calling me to Islam - yet I was guided by Allah's Grace - Where are you now to offer knowledge and moral support? - and welcome me to the Muslim community? - Don't you care about your faith? - Don't you realize what a great religion it could be - if only it had the right men and women? - Where are you, Muslim woman?!" You can imagine the shock of this Western Muslim woman as she asks, - "Where are you; O woman born into Islam?" then finds out that this Muslim woman has set off on the same path that she, the Muslim Western woman, had fled from! Instead of learning from the Western women's experience; the Muslim woman insists on going through it herself Imagine the shock of the recent revert upon meeting some Muslim women who doubt the justice and fairness of Islam; she saw some misapplication of Allah's commands, resented the commands, and declined to participate in calling others to Islam Instead, she needed to be called back herself! Imagine the revert's shock when she sees the lost confused "Muslim" woman seeking "self-realization"! Or the one fully preoccupied with her personal problems; complaining about the man's mistreatment while he is complaining about hers She completely forgot that she was a member of the best nation produced forth [as an example] for mankind! Some of them even leave Islam altogether! ''...And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.'' (Quran Translated Meaning 47:38) No one can deny that there are Muslim women who fulfill their duty and cooperate in righteousness and piety; inviting others to Islam in their families, school, university, work, and communities Believing Muslim women: noble of feeling, highly motivated and broad-minded with a holistic view; not a selfish or individualistic outlook They realize that injustice was not only inflicted upon women but also upon men and children In this time of weak adherence to Islam injustice has become the norm Her goal is not only to save herself but also to reform her family, society, nation, and even humanity Such believing, balanced, and highly motivated women do exist but they are few Every woman is free to choose the group she wants to belong to "O mankind, you are those in need of Allah, while Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy. If He wills, He can do away with you and bring forth a new creation. And that is for Allah not difficult." (Quran Translated Meaning 35:15-17) Therefore, we will continue in this series for you: the Muslim woman A short series of intensive episodes which cannot do justice to this topic but we ask Allah to make it a guiding beacon so that, after completing this series, we can continue to a very important stop in "The Journey of Certainty" series This series that we started is for you: The believing woman! Its goal is to place you in the best position to bear your grave responsibility towards the religion of Allah Almighty Your duty to guide humanity is not voluntary, but obligatory Neglecting this duty may lead to the expected Divine punishment of preoccupation with worries and problems and with exchanged injustices with others The Muslim woman in non-Muslim societies who neglects her role in calling to Islam and in supporting the man to fulfill his role might become afflicted with religious oppression and deprivation of her religious rights This series, Allah willing, will help you formulate a clear view of yourself, your religion, and your relationship with Allah and with others This series will help you explore what has infiltrated our mindsets; —men and women alike— and caused a conflict among Muslims; even within the Muslim family itself and exposed us to the influences of evil; instead of becoming beacons of guidance for ourselves and others! We pray that Allah Almighty makes this series beneficial; a blessing and certainty for people "The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give Zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those; Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise." (Quran Translated Meaning 9:71) Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you
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Why Address Women? What about Men?
Ep #5 · 13 min