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The Superwoman - Before the Muslim Woman Deifies Herself

Peace be upon you The West has fallen into self-deification! That is, they envision themselves as Gods! The Prophet Peace & Blessings be upon him told us that Muslims will imitate People of the Scripture in everything He said, “You'll tread the same path as those before you did, inch by inch and step by step, so much that if they entered a lizard's burrow, you'll follow them." When asked, 'Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews & Christians?' He said, 'Who else?'" (Al-Bukhari) Meaning: Who else would we follow? Even if they entered a dismal and desolate lizard's burrow we would follow them Whatever they do we have to do it too! The most desolate burrow we can enter is the burrow of self-deification: Man's worship of himself and his lusts; instead of faithful submission to the One True God is the root of most problems in contemporary society Since this episode is part of a series for women (of all age groups) we will talk about the self-deification of women We'll start with the self-deification of Western women: Its roots, causes, manifestations and results Then, we will see how some Muslim women followed the same path and entered the same self-deification burrow We will see how they followed inch by inch; every step of the way; intentionally or otherwise We will see the causes and manifestations so that the Muslim woman can take heed and escape before suffering the consequences and results of self-deification! But how did they deify themselves? By the way, deify, linguistically, means worship or a claim of divinity When you hear that someone deifies his lusts you assume it is a figure of speech No, it is not! Didn't Allah say, what may be translated as, "Have you seen him who has taken his own desire as a god?” (Quran 25:43) and, “Do people not see that We have created them from a sperm-drop then, behold! They openly challenge Us?” (Quran 36:77) Man acts as an enemy of Allah: A rival in every sense of the word So why did Westerners deify themselves? Because of religion AND leaving religion! How can that be? The deification of Man has its roots in the distorted books of Scripture These books removed the boundaries between the Lord and His servants In them, the Lord takes on human form, wrestles Jacob and loses to Jacob According to their distortions the Lord sleeps, gets tired and cries drunkenly They claim that the Lord wants to keep humans ignorant so that they can't rival Him in divinity In the Book of Genesis, the Old Testament (2:16-17) we find, "And the Lord God commanded Adam, saying: You may freely eat of every tree of the Heaven, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." Meaning: The Lord deluded Adam into thinking that eating from the Tree of Knowledge would kill him; so that Adam would stay ignorant! When Adam disobeyed and ate from the Tree of Knowledge, the Lord panicked as in the Book of Genesis, the Old Testament: "Then the Lord God said: See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil, and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, eat, and live forever.” (Genesis 3:22) Meaning: The Lord feared that Adam would eat from another tree and become immortal as well! With these attributes combined he becomes a rival to the Lord in divinity Exalted is Allah High is He above what they say! You can refer to the series of brother Ahmad Daadoush: "Alam Al-Ser: The Secret World" especially the third episode on “Kabbalah” to see the full extent of Man's self-deification The idea of rivalry and competition with God has its roots in distorted religions It surged with the advancement of natural sciences as Man believed he was discovering what the Lord wanted to hide from him; to keep him ignorant I don't want to interrupt the flow but Muslims should appreciate Allah's blessing of Islam which considers knowledge as proof for Allah; because the more you learn about creation the greater the reverence and awe you have for the Exalted and Glorified Lord as shown in "The Journey of Certainty" So, we reiterate that distorted religions had a role in the deification of Man Well, what about the rejection of religion? For Westerners, rejecting a religion doesn't usually involve seeking the true religion that is devoid of myths; but instead the conversion to atheism or agnosticism By innate nature they sense their human weakness and their need to worship and seek help from a Lord with Perfect Attributes If they don't channel this worship to the true Lord they will channel it to the worship of their whims This is how Westerners fell into self-deification! Man became the center of the universe! Everything must submit to Man and Man must not submit to anyone; not even to his Creator and Provider Hence, standards, perceptions and ideas must be reshaped accordingly: Man is the center; holiness is for him, his lusts and his desires Religion must be subjected to Man such that he takes only what he needs to attain serenity But anything in religion which contradicts the desires of the self-deified person must be re-interpreted according to that desire to remove any prohibitions which hinder the self-deified person; with the exception of harm to the other "human-gods" around him As for the Right of Allah; it becomes the lowest priority Thus, self-deification prevailed among men and women in the West Perhaps it was more intense for the woman considering her rejection of distorted religious texts which undermined women and blamed them for tempting Adam to eat from the "Tree of Knowledge" Moreover, her "scared and angry" Lord punished her with pains of pregnancy, childbirth and menses and made man her master; as in the texts cited in the episode: "Liberation of Western Women" So, this woman challenges this "Lord" who wants to make her ignorant and avenge himself This self-deification: This idea of the "goddess" woman took many forms Even women who define themselves as religious nuns were not spared For example, there are websites titled "Christian Feminism" demanding that the Lord be addressed by the English female pronoun "She" to thwart the idea of a masculine god; as they put it On the other hand, calls were heard for reviving and adopting pagan beliefs that embrace the idea of the female goddess to reject the male dominance concept This is prevalent among Western women; even university professors such as the renowned Yale graduate and feminist professor Carol Christ who launched the "The Goddess Movement" Books were written to revive the idea of "the goddess" Conferences were held, including one titled: "Great Goddess Re-emerging" which was held in 1978 at the University of California, Santa Cruz It is as if feminists: whether Christians demanding a female God, or pagans; were saying: “I am a woman; the center of the universe and I want a God molded according to my whims I will consider God a female and worship him as thus; just as I want." Just like the pre-Islamic Arabs who took date-idols as gods, used them to fulfill their psychological need to worship and ate them when they got hungry! These women believe that the Lord should adapt to their needs Some Western women renounced the distorted religious texts as well as the pagan religions which sanctify alleged goddesses Yet, they chose not to respond to their innate nature by seeking the correct religion Instead, they moved to atheism and denied the existence of the Lord entirely Other Western women considered themselves substitutes for the Lord: That a woman's sexual appeal and sway over men makes her his god He cannot help but fall victim to her sex appeal and power Top-selling songs were written around this theme but we won't refer to them here because of the immorality they contain by legitimizing and sanctifying uncontrolled lusts These songs even use religious terms such as confession and salvation in association with the self-deified brazen woman Their central theme is: Don't you see the power of lust and your weakness against it? Admit then that the Lord is a woman With this admission you earn salvation and the pleasure of sex The youth who listen to such songs over and over again and watch this play of depravity and sexual arousal in music and cinematography develop the exaggerated notion of the human god/goddess and worship for desires especially in societies where sexual desires are ignited in every direction; where songs and movies are used to obliterate innate nature and reshape minds and feelings! Some Western women refrain from learning religion altogether; unconcerned about finding their true Lord They live only for themselves, their problems, whims and lusts Other Western women practice selectivity; taking from religion and the distorted scriptures what they like to satisfy their religiosity instinct and leaving what they do not like Some practice subjective interpretation: Re-interpreting religious texts to distort the meaning; especially texts they don't like because they hamper their perverted lusts Such selectivity and reinterpretation opens the door to lesbian and transgender churches in violation of Texts prohibiting adultery and homosexuality The common denominator among these different women —across the entire spectrum— is self-deification where the principle of complete submission to Allah and belief in the perfection of His Attributes is inconceivable for Western women This deviation is caused by the absence of a compass! Especially since self-deification leads to the relativity of right and wrong: No Lord with Perfect Attributes, to guide them to absolute right and wrong, but rather, Man is at the center and he is the judge So there are as many rights and wrongs as there are human beings and all matters are fluid and relative Also, with the deification of Women abnormal lusts in deviant women were sanctified such as homosexuality and illicit sex under the banner of sexual freedom as well as the abortion of fetuses whose deification is incomplete; in their view Hence, you see most Western feminist calls presented in a package deal with freedom for homosexuality, trans-sexuality, adultery and abortion The Western woman entered this lizard's burrow —the self-deification burrow— willingly or unwillingly: through manipulation and deceit as we saw in the episode, "Liberation of the Western Woman" She could have searched for a preserved Revelation: An accurate compass to regulate her relationship with her Lord, herself and others; instead of the distorted-religion compass which contributed to her downfall! But she didn't And she lost her direction, followed her whims, and moved from one aberration to another! This is the story of the Western woman What about the Muslim woman? This series is addressed to you Muslim woman Let's see the state of Muslim women “...So much so that if they had entered a lizard's burrow, you'd follow them.” So, some Muslim women will follow Western women into the self-deification burrow! Women who call themselves Muslim, will enter the self-deification burrow? Yes...This is part and parcel of the submission to dominant countries It involves imitating them in thought, emotions, standards, norms and everything! It also involves entering every lizard's burrow they enter! Of course, this is not applicable to all Muslim women There are some with great faith, who submit fully to Allah out of knowledge, love and glorification Other women are negligent in observing Shari'a-sanctioned limits; in behavior, look, and other matters Nevertheless, they confess their guilt to Allah and acknowledge their servitude to Him There are also those who can distinguish between Shari'a and its misapplication Such women glorify Allah’s Rulings and appreciate their Wisdom and Mercy but object to the misapplication in some areas such as: Qiwamah (men's authority & protection) and polygamy There's also the Muslim woman who is averse to some Islamic rulings; influenced by the abuse of a cruel father, a non-pious husband, systematic media distortion, or negative stereotyping of some rulings However, her aversion is easy to remedy; since she glorifies Allah, understands the status of worship, blames herself and seeks help to strengthen her faith and purify her heart from any unease towards Allah's command or the Sunnah of her Prophet Peace & Blessings upon him On the other hand, there is the unconsciously self-deifying woman! Where do you, Muslim woman, stand in this spectrum? In this episode, we will help you arrive at the answer yourself These words are for you; not about you I will not mention anyone by name to avoid provoking anyone or undoing the benefit by inciting prejudice I hope that you, sister —may Allah bless you— will reflect calmly No one is looking at you right now, to pass judgment; or provoking you to reply Look deep within to purify yourself, “He who purifies it will prosper.” (Quran Translated Meaning 91:9) Don't miss this opportunity, please! Some zealots in Muslim communities go to extremes in their imitation of Western women: e.g. "The Union of Muslim Gays, Lesbians & Transgenders" There are also openly secular women Secularism —in brief— is the deification of Man When a secularist says that religion must be detached from politics and restricted to places of worship and personal rituals —rejecting the comprehensiveness of religion— she means that Man has the right to overrule the command of Allah and to set limits on religion! This is a clear manifestation of the deification of Man and his attempt to bypass Allah! However, we will not discuss those who have entered deep into the lizard's burrow but will discuss Muslim women with subtle self-deification tendencies; influenced by Western women and secularists in Muslim countries but still attached to Islam The danger of this type of self-deification is that it is subtle Yet, it has similar causes and symptoms as for Western women; albeit less severe These Muslim women are on the same path as Western women before them It is just a matter of time before the accumulated deviations lead the Muslim woman to unimaginable perversions; if not in this generation then the next! The Muslim woman may never have intended to imitate Western women; she may even be disgusted by the Western woman model Yet, there are seeds of similarity which are apt to sprout: Loss of a compass, deviation of standards and following whims may take the unsuspecting Muslim woman down the same abyss reached by the Western woman! I say to the Muslim woman: We will take your hand to show you if the seeds of self-deification are sprouting undetected A Muslim woman may live a conflict She loves belonging to Islam; has a general love for Allah and His Prophet, but she is reluctant to fully submit to the command of Allah and His Prophet She doubts the Justice of Allah towards her Yet, she doesn't want to leave Islam explicitly and jeopardize her psychological security So, unwittingly, she escapes this dilemma by making everything revolve around herself and her whims She doesn't call them whims but calls them "rationality"; unaware that she is judging Islam with her version of rationality while she never thinks to judge "her rationality" to see if her standard is correct; or is a product of whims, a reaction to misapplication and stereotyping, influence of media and movies, foreign school curriculums, or the "Rambo and Gorel" projects we previously discussed She is unaware that she has placed herself in the center as she tries to reconcile between self-deification and worship of her Lord Let us explore some forms of this self-deification: “...So much so that if they had entered a lizard's burrow, you would follow them.” (Al-Bukhari) The forms of self-deification can be summed up in four words: Evasion, objection, selectivity and re-interpretation First: "Evasion" to avoid learning your Creator's Commands Allah, the Exalted, says, what can be translated as, “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Quran 51:56) Worship in its comprehensive sense of submission to Allah in every aspect She may pray and take from religion what satisfies her spiritual needs but as for full submission to Allah's command she doesn't even want to know what the Commands —to submit to— are She and her desires are at the center Knowing that Allah’s Commands may conflict with her desires she avoids learning about them altogether! So, how does she convince herself that she is not negligent in her religion? By playing a psychological trick: That she is averse! Averse to what? To the sheikhs (scholars) who are tough on women and to macho Fiqh (jurisprudence) She spends time and energy criticizing them! In her battle with them the search for Allah’s command is lost There are some rulings that impact her life and comfort It is clear to her that some leaders of Islamic Fatwa (ruling) were rigid on some issues So, she says: "Perhaps these rulings are just a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of religious texts by hard-liners Maybe hijab isn't obligatory Maybe dating isn't forbidden!" She will not search for a true moderate path to follow But rather she says: "I am neither a scholar nor an expert in religion but religion can never be what these people claim! I'm asking questions which I can't answer but Islam can never be that way! My Lord gave me a brain to think and what these people say makes no sense." By the way, I am only repeating what some Muslim women say or mean without any personalization Well, what's next, Muslim woman? After criticizing macho Fiqh rigid sheikhs, narrow-mindedness, and those whose Fiqh —in your view—is dominant and corruptive to Muslim minds; is it reasonable to spend your time watching Hollywood movies, living in fantasies and recommending them to your followers despite all the psychological and moral damage they cause; praising the attitudes of Western women as moderate and open-minded; publishing your seductive photos; tempting others and boasting about the places you visited by yourself?! If anyone criticizes you and advises that it is prohibited, you jump to retaliate, mock or label them as rigid, strict and narrow-minded! Again, these are the practices that we see from these Muslim women Wouldn't it have been possible, to use some of that time in learning about your Lord so you understand and teach people about true Islam? And that correct Fiqh is not macho, rigid or narrow-minded? Don't you always say: My Lord gave me a brain to think and I'm not convinced? Can't you use this brain to learn and clear Islam from the impurities of macho fiqh? Can't you refer directly to the words of your Lord to teach us what Islam truly is? and what Allah's Commands are about? Or is your mind only capable of criticism; not construction?! If you believe that the sheikhs misrepresented religion, then why not summon enough passion to learn your religion and better represent it? When someone tells you: This is forbidden and the proof is so-and-so; is it not appropriate to counter an evidence-based argument with another? Or is: “You are rigid chauvinists!” the answer to everything?! This is the first strategy used by the self-deified woman; who doesn't leave her religion explicitly but seeks to reconcile self-worship with that of her Creator: Evasion to avoid learning a religion which goes against her desires; disguised as an aversion to those who misrepresent it! Second strategy: Objection to Allah’s commands e.g. when a Muslim woman says, "Why is it permissible for a man to marry 4 women but not permissible for a woman to marry 4 men?" This question is completely different when asked by someone who submits to the Wisdom and wants to reflect upon it The problem is when you make your knowledge of its Wisdom a condition for submitting to Allah's Command! Is this true submission?! Or are you judging Allah’s Commands with your subjective standard; which you assume is sacred? You presume that Allah's Commands must achieve absolute equality between men and women If we tell you that Allah’s Commands may not provide absolute equality but will provide truth and justice and that gender equality, in some cases, is invalid and unjust but then you say: "I am not convinced, this doesn't make sense," you are either: 1- accepting that it's Allah's Command but objecting to it "O you who have believed, do not put [yourselves] before Allah and His Messenger and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing." (Quran Translated Meaning 49:1) You put your gender equality standard above Allah’s Command and call your whims and faulty standards rationalism; while Allah, Whom you believe in, calls it ignorance, "Then is it the judgment of ignorance they desire? But who is better than Allah in judgment for a people who are certain." (QTM 5:50) or 2- you say, "This isn't from Allah. No true religion can command this. Why not? It is not convincing! Well, why do you assume your standards are correct? Couldn't they be invalid or mere whims? Or maybe you are using the wrong yardstick? Why is your judgment sacred? Isn't this also self-deification?! The third sign of self-deification is to interpret Allah’s Commands according to whims and treat Revelation as fluid text without a clear meaning; subject to interpretation according to one's mood So, she won't forego her whims but at the same time, she won't admit that she is sinning! Although, if she confessed to Allah and observed the status of worshiping Him she could become among those whom Allah describes as: "And others who have acknowledged their sins. They mixed a righteous deed with another that was bad perhaps Allah will turn to them in forgiveness." (QTM 9:102) However, she isn't admitting her error so she looks for comfort with someone who affirms that following whims isn't wrong Consider as you admire the words of Adnan Ibrahim, Muhammad Shahrour, Ali Al-Kayyali and others who distort words to obscure their true meaning, tear down Islamic consensus, and claim "a contemporary view of Islam" or "new reading of Islam"; look inside yourself and ask, "What truly happened?" Did you seek their opinions and those of others with the intention of reaching the truth —whatever it may be— and submitting to Allah, Almighty? Or did you approach them with a heart repulsed by some Commands; with prejudices and whims that you find hard to abandon? You came seeking someone to tell you that you are not wrong, to comfort you and provide you with a "religious" excuse! Again, we are not making assumptions It is obvious from the flood of prayers for mercy —by some feminists— for Shahrour! Apparently, feminism isn't the only issue It is a rejection of religious rulings They found an escape from Shari'a in the words of Shahrour & Co: "Scholars" with a "new" perception of the Quran! The 4th sign of self-worship is: Selectivity i.e. when a woman cherry-picks from Revelation what she likes, when she hears verses urging care for women she is all ears but when she hears what contradicts her whims she turns her back, objects or seeks an interpretation which is far from the obvious meaning Do you know that Allah describes this behavior in what can be translated as, "And when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them, at once a party of them turns aside [in refusal]. But if the right is theirs, they come to him in prompt obedience." (Quran 24:48-49) But if the right is theirs they come in prompt obedience! What is the diagnosis here? What are the psychological motives? The verses go on... "Is there disease in their hearts? Or have they doubted? Or do they fear that Allah will be unjust to them, or His Messenger? Rather, it is they who are the wrongdoers." (Quran 24:50) A diseased heart governed by desires to the degree of self-worship; doubt about Allah's Justice and Wisdom; fear of injustice from Allah... The verses continue... "The only statement of the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is to say, "We hear and we obey" And those are the successful." (Quran 24: 51) These verses were revealed on the occasion of the Prophet, Peace & Blessings be upon him, asking Julaibib: a young man without prospects for marriage to get engaged to a girl from Al-Ansar Her parents hesitated so the girl told them: "Will you reject the Prophet's command? Send me to the Messenger of Allah; he will never lead me astray." She did so out of love, glorification, trust and respect for the command of Allah's Messenger, Peace & Blessings be upon him He married her off to Julaibib and they had a good marriage One of the most important forms of selectivity practiced by the Muslim woman is embracing "Humanism": A religion which evaluates ideas, principles, people and situations according to humanist criteria such as mercy and kindness to others She judges a person based on his actions with humans Whether he is a Muslim or disbeliever is irrelevant to her On the contrary, if she glorifies a person and someone points out that he/she is an atheist or polytheist she gets upset and ridicules the objector She easily forsakes Allah’s Right while glorifying the rights of humans A clear manifestation of the deification of Man! Yet, she convinces herself that this does not contradict Islam She selects verses of Allah's mercy and benevolence: "Humanist" verses and completely avoids the verses on polytheism and faith Did you notice how such forms of self-worship are similar to those practiced by Western women? Evasion, Objection, Interpretation, Selectivity! Did you notice how the common denominator is the loss of compass and following whims? When a Muslim woman avoids learning her religion and becomes content with criticizing the "hardliners"; when she objects to some religious commands; when she follows the corrupt interpretations of Allah's Commands to suit her whims; when she selects verses she likes The common denominator in all this is that she loosens her grip on the rope of Revelation, walks without a compass, and follows her every whim! Even though she heard the verses which can be translated as, "O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan..." (Quran 2: 208) Meaning: Enter into Islam with ALL its details and commands and do not follow the steps of Satan who will lead you down the lizard's burrow —like People of Scripture before you— and prompt you to do things you never imagined you would do My question to the Muslim woman: If the Western woman lost her compass; why do you need to lose it? Your religion isn't hers You are better! While her religion depicts the Lord as keen on making Man ignorant; your religion tells you that your Lord Most High, "...taught Adam the names - all of them..." (Quran Translated Meaning 2:31) While her religion depicts the Lord as incapable and inadequate; your religion ascribes the attributes of Perfection, Majesty, Ability, Greatness and Distinction to Allah While her religion depicts the Lord as vengeful punishing women with pregnancy and childbirth; your religion makes this pain a reward for you, an elevation in your status, and a reason for your children's obligation to serve you! If the Western women who believed in these distortions or renounced them and moved to atheism went astray; why would you go astray? Didn't you see, in the last episode how Western women embraced Islam when they saw the compass in this guarded Revelation that Allah has blessed you with? Look within yourself Muslim woman Are you an independent believer who can't be tricked down burrows? Do you respond and submit out of love, acceptance and honor as your Lord says, what can be translated as, "It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should have any choice about their affair And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error." (Quran 33: 36) Or is the world revolving around you and your desires? Do you reject all authority including that of Allah Almighty? Search deep inside yourself Do you uphold the submission to Allah in everything? "Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds." (QTM 6:162) Do you practice such submission? Do you admit your sin when you violate it? Or are you satisfied with practicing part of religion —enough to give you emotional stability, which even self-deified humans need— and convincing yourself that you love Islam when it's the "abbreviated & customized" version of Islam that you love? A self-deified Muslim woman is a contradictory phrase since Islam is the exact opposite of self-deification Islam means to accept the Will of Allah, submit to Him, and observe the status of bondage to Him, Glory be to Him When we say a Muslim woman worships her whims, it is also a contradictory phrase because Islam is the fight against whims “But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from inclination, then indeed, Paradise will be the refuge.” (QTM 79:40-41) Finally: What will this self-deification accomplish for you, Muslim woman? Will it give you happiness? Dignity? Will it eliminate injustice against you? You can extrapolate and see the future by looking at those who preceded you down the self-deification burrow: The Western woman What was the fate of the self-deified Western woman? Did she really achieve the dignity of a goddess? We saw the answer in the episode: Liberation of Western Women We saw how self-deification only aggravated her misery, degradation and humiliation; confirming Allah's words which can be translated as, "And whoever turns away from My remembrance —indeed, he will have a depressed life." (Quran 20:124) Thus, whoever rejects bondage to Allah and follows his desires —man or woman— is destined for humiliation This is validated by Allah's words, which can be translated as, "Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified and he whom Allah humiliates; for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills." (Quran 22:18) The self-deified Western woman who rejected true servitude to Allah ended up enslaved to human beings as we have seen! This episode, dear viewers is part of a series for women to correct their relationship with Allah, themselves and people around them The summary of today’s episode: ◊ Do not lose the compass of Revelation ◊ Do not loosen your grip on its rope ◊ Do not seek solutions to your problems away from it ◊ Seek dignity in the status of worship to Allah the Almighty, the All-Wise “Whoever desires honor [through power]; then to Allah belongs all honor.” (QTM 35:10) ◊ Don't put up with humiliation But also, don't listen to those who claim that dignity is in leaving Islam You are cherished and dignified in Islam And only in Islam! There might still be in your heart, after all this some aversion to religious rulings or doubt about their fairness You are conflicted: You realize your status of worship to Allah and you have a general faith in Allah’s Justice and Wisdom Yet, you feel discomfort with some of His Commands In the next episode, we will work together on cleansing our hearts from conflict Allah willing Finally: To the Muslim woman I say: Let's all remember that Allah guided us to ask Him for the right compass; so as to walk in guidance and not get lost, be led astray, or follow people down a lizard's burrow We read every day in our prayers, "Guide us to the straight path the path of those You have blessed, those who incur no anger and who have not gone astray." (QTM 1:6-7) Peace of Allah be upon you
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Islam and "Beating" Women
Ep #7 · 31 min